You MUST Ask Permission To Leave Your Country - Are We Not Slaves? Are We TRULY "Free"?

in #freedom7 years ago

EVERYONE: Hello folks, I'll state first that I tend to rant, so I apologize in advance if this ends up being another one of my lengthy ramblings. However, I only do this because I happen to care deeply about this subject, it may just be the most important subject of them all, and I want everyone who comes across this to, at the very least, to be aware of certain things, what you choose to do with any of this is obviously completely up to you, all I want is to engage in a dialogue with everyone, because when we're talking about it we're bringing it to the front of our minds, we're making it a priority, or at the very least we're ramping up the momentum behind your awakening. I'm not going to get into specifics, that is, I'm not going to attempt to define legalese, I'm not going to cite specific cases, I'm not going to list your rights... all I'm going to do is ask a few questions, and you don't need to answer them right now, in fact I'd suggest you do A LOT of serious reflecting on the questions and ideas I'm going to lay out here. This is no small matter, and most people have absolutely no clue just how enslaved they really are, it's almost incomprehensible for people, too big for people to grasp, to fathom, and it has nothing to do with their intellectual abilities, so I am not talking down to anyone, I too am one of these enslaved human beings, I too have yet to rid myself of my shackles, so I say all of this with a heavy heart, and I'm coming from an angle of camaraderie, of fellowship, we're all in this together, and the more people I can help to start thinking about these things, the better off we'll all be, myself included...
I just want everyone to ask themselves a few questions, and then I want them to reflect on them for quite awhile before reaching any conclusions, because I can assure you that the powers that be have programmed your mind in such a masterful way, you'll almost automatically begin to defend your captors, defend your position in life, your so-called "freedom", and you'll find yourself wanting to scoff at the things I'm saying, you'll want to ridicule me, you may even hate me, despise me, and all of that is completely expected, welcome, and normal... I'm just asking that you step beside yourself while feeling this way, and power through your emotions to at least TRY and do what I ask, you've got NOTHING to lose, and I never need to know what happened inside your mind when you do this, no one does, you can keep all of this to yourself, you seriously have nothing to lose here... Okay, here it goes.
Would you agree that you came into this world spontaneously? As in no one could have possibly expected YOU personally to be the one who showed up when you were born? Would you agree that for the first few years of life, your parents or guardians were the people making all of your decisions for you? This is obvious so far I know, just bear with me! While you were just a wee little baby, your parents gave you a name, they registered you, they made you an official part of whatever societal system THEY too were registered in, and are officially a part of... Now, you're a brand new human being, you've just arrived on this planet, unfortunately the human baby is born incomplete, as in a human baby must continue to develop for YEARS after they're born, before they can even move around on their own very well, so this means we're cognitively undeveloped also, we cannot speak, we cannot problem solve, we can't do much of anything for quite awhile... so while this is going on, every major decision about YOU is being made by someone else, most likely your parents, or so you think, but your parents are just as enslaved as you are, and they're also convinced that they must follow certain mandates regarding YOU, or they'll be found in violation of various laws... Meaning, they must "register" you... Register you? Really? This does not sound odd to you because you've never known anything different. But this is strange. Anyway, let me just skip ahead to a couple points here. When EXACTLY did YOU decide you were going to be an American? Or an Australian? Or a German? ANYTHING! When did YOU agree to this? When did YOU agree to be a part of this society? When did YOU agree to abide by all their laws? You had no part in making these laws, you probably even disagree with a lot of them, but when did YOU ever agree to abide by them? When did you ask for a Social Security Number? When did you ask to be registered as an American? (I'm just going to stick with Americans for right now because I don't need to list every country on Earth right? You get the idea, it's the same wherever you are). Seriously, when did you agree that in order to leave your certain geographical area you must have a special passport? Have you ever asked yourself anything like this? When did you agree to carry a State Drivers License (or ID of ANY sort) everywhere you go? I'll make it simple - YOU'VE NEVER HAD A CHOICE! Your parents were Americans, so YOU are now an American, you have been registered as one, given a unique tracking number, and you're literally FORCED TO ABIDE BY ALL LAWS no matter what, without EVER having been given a choice about it, without EVER having been asked... Does it sound ridiculous to you? I'm talking about being asked first, are you thinking to yourself, "Man, this guys a wacko, what a ridiculous way to think"? Well I'm asking you, am I really THAT crazy? You spontaneously appeared on this planet, in a specific geographical area, and because you are born incapable of understanding ANYTHING, you are effectively turned over to the government in your area, and without EVER having a choice in the matter... Isn't it at all strange to you that you just appear on this planet, in a specific area, and you must now call yourself a member of that area (American, Australian, German, etc.), you must abide by all the rules and regulations that were put in place long before you ever arrived, and despite not ever having any input in those laws and regulations, instead you're just by default an American, and there's nothing you can do about it... Does that sound like freedom to you? You have to ask your government for permission to leave your specific geographical area, AND, you have to PAY THEM to do so... Does that sound like freedom to you? You were born, you arrived spontaneously, just like everyone else has, yet this established group of older humans has taken it upon themselves to mandate just about everything in your lives.... and all without EVER having a choice in the matter... You are literally a slave... You are told you must work day in and day out, and if you work really, really, really hard, you MIGHT be able to enjoy "real freedom" once you're a senior citizen and don't have much strength left to even enjoy it... You MUST have a passport before you're allowed to leave this particular area of the planet you happened to be born inside of, you never agreed to it, but yet there you are, asking permission to leave that area... Same goes for the tens of thousands of ridiculous statutes and ordinances that you also had no say in, but because you were born in a certain jurisdiction, you're now bound by those ridiculous statutes and ordinances. Now I'm not saying there shouldn't be any order in the world, when it comes to HARM, that is just common sense, do NOT murder, rape, assault, and do not steal... Getting along with each other in society is easy, or rather, abiding by the rules that prevent harm to one another, that's common sense, but have you ever seen the STACK of laws you're actually mandated to abide? It's like 4 inches thick! Anyway, I ask you, could a society maintain a civil environment if the only laws in place were those that involved direct, physical, harm, and of course theft? Do you think a society could function without the 4 inch thick book of statutes and ordinances? Or would blood run down the streets the moment people were set free to move as they wished? I'm just curious if anyone's ever asked themselves, or reflected on, how they were just automatically made a member of whatever geographical area they happened to be born inside of... I must stress that I am no different, this isn't a lecture, nor am I anything special that deserves special treatment... I'm just genuinely curious if anyone else has ever had similar thoughts is all?


I've had similar thoughts. In fact I see it all the time living in "my" particular plantation.
