in #freedom7 years ago (edited)



Over the past several years I have watched the rising of a troubling tide of Marxist and Communist ideology within the western world and until recently have been puzzled as to what is the true driver behind this regressive epidemic. Of course there are the obvious explanations that point to the faltering economy, lack of jobs, corruption, increasing outsourcing and automation, and general disillusionment with governments and political parties. This environment tends to foster revolt, and is to be expected to a certain degree as a reaction to the failure of our leaders to increase or even sustain the standard of living for its constituents.

What was confusing to me was why are so many people espousing an ideology that has repeatedly shown itself to be such an utterly destructive disaster throughout history? Of course a large part of it is almost complete ignorance of history by a large segment of the world population. Modern media likes to flush those ideas right down the memory hole, and with an educational system controlled by Marxist and leftist ideologies from kindergarten all the way thru post graduate school, it is really not shocking this part of history is ignored or glossed over. Yet again, this is only a smaller piece of the puzzle providing momentum to this ideological putrefaction, not the true linchpin and source of it.

The history of Marxism actually goes back thousands of years and is related to certain religious texts, but for the sake of brevity and not conflagrating this topic with more controversial issues that would distract from the main topic, this will be omitted. If one is curious about going back further a few web searches will lead you to this topic. After doing years of research looking into the origins and beginnings of Marxism and communism, I was lead to the last stages of Tsarist Russia, and the Bolshevik revolution. In the early 1900's, Russia was in chaos. War with Japan, the end of the monarchy, financial instability, and Bolshevik revolution all conspired to bring about utterly devastating changes to Russia forever.


As a result of all this strife and instability, Russia was left in a financially stressed position. Taking advantage of this, western banking elite started funding and giving loans to Bolshevik revolutionaries in order to increase the chaos and create conditions favorable to opportunist investment in the disarray. In addition to this more immediate investment opportunity, this also had the added effect of allowing them to create a society that was an antithesis to capitalism. A boogeyman if you will to help create incentive for military spending in the future helping to give birth to the military industrial complex as it is know today.

This helped create the “us verse them” dichotomy that is so useful for pushing the Hegelian dialectic which is well known this day. Create a problem, there is a reaction, and they provide a predetermined solution that follows their own narrative and ends, then repeat. As Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of the notoriously corrupt city of Chicago is well known for saying:


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

This is also well demonstrated in the dual party system in the USA in the Republicans verses Democrats. Republicans get in power and abuse Republican ideals, then they vote Democrat next time then Democrats get in and violate Democratic ideals, and it repeats. It is in effect an institutionalization of failure. This is what Capitalism verses Communism was meant to be, only on a worldwide level. Another version of “us vs them” designed to manipulate the ideals of both sides simultaneously while convincing them both of their ideological superiority. This dichotomy is even evident in the Communist flag. The hammer and the sickle are ancient symbols. The hammer represents building, growth, and Capitalism, which the sickle represents the harvest, destruction, and Communism. You can not feed yourself without tending the seed, and you can not harvest without destroying the crop you have tended. In other words, a multi-generational, global pump and dump scheme. Capitalism is used to create incentive to create actual goods and capital, mostly thru the issuing of credit inducing the population to work. Then once the nation is ripe and reaches capacity, Communism is introduced to harvest the wealth of the nation and tear down the existing system in order to start over again once reduced to ashes, and Capitalism is again re-introduced.

This explains some of the motive for creating and promoting Marxist ideology, now back to the historical origins of its rise and metamorphosis into what we know it as today. After Bolshevism took a foothold in Russia and just a year before the formation of the USSR, The Frankfurt School was founded in 1923 in Germany, and years later moved to Geneva, then to Columbia University in New York due to the Nazis forcing its closure in Germany. The Frankfurt School is most well-known for creating the philosophical movement known as “Critical Theory”.

This theory largely served the purpose of giving a scientific veneer for the purposes of promoting Marxist ideology. As a result of Sociology and Psychology not being so called “hard sciences” since truly independent peer reviewed studies with real controls are not really possible, these fields are extremely vulnerable to political and ideological manipulation. This vulnerability was, and continues to be exploited to this day to give an aura of scientific basis behind pushing certain ideologies. You may recognize the modern day practice of Critical Theory in leftist groups and academic environments which are largely Marxist controlled. This is exemplified in the tendency for people to try to describe everything as a “social construct”, taking a purist “nurture” route in the “nature verses nurture” debate, as well as the “tabula rasa” or “blank slate” theory well known in Psychology.

Using this ideological construct, one can question and endlessly deconstruct any accepted human concept, which makes a perfect vehicle for dismantling the foundational institutions of Western society. This aligns perfectly with “The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto ” outlined by Karl Marx, and fosters the perfect environment for the destruction of the system of values that has built the modern world we live in.

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold:
its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life.
If we can undermine these three areas,
America will collapse from within."
-Josef Stalin

There are repeating themes in the writings of Marx and Engels outlining the destruction of religion, morality, and patriotism. Using the ideology of Marxism loosely veiled under the umbrella of “science” in the field of Critical Theory, these institutions are systematically dismantled piece by piece, inch by inch, constantly eroding existing social structures under the pretext of righting some perceived or manufactured injustice.

Marxism, using the construct of Critical Theory takes its host in many if not most “activist” organizations, much like a parasite takes a host, reorganizing its entire body to serve it, regardless of the cost to the host. This not only serves as a mechanism for plausible deniability for the Marxist orchestrators of these movements, but adds another layer of protection against criticism of their ideology by shielding themselves behind real, manufactured, or perceived injustices, and claiming any critic is simply a perpetrator of this injustice. In this manner, any criticism can easily be dismissed as bigotry, prejudice, racism, sexism, homophobia, fascism, Nazism, etc.

True believers involved in these causes are eager to validate their time an effort, and resistant to feeling like they have been misled, therefore jump at any opportunity presented to manifest their antagonist therefore justifying their efforts, even if the most superficial logical analysis of the situation would contradict these conclusions. This is a very common theme among practitioners of Marxism. Instead of presenting themselves for what they are, they are more apt to infiltrate and subvert structures created by others, while maintaining the original goals of the organizations only in the most superficial forms, and only in a capacity sufficient to shield them from criticism for fear of being chastised as a hater of [insert marginalized group here].

These kind of accusations, and the resulting mobbing from these groups has shown repeatedly to ruin the livelihoods of those who bring even the most common sense solutions that dare to contradict the ideologies of these organizations in any way. In fact this has specifically become a strategy of these organizations to target to livelihoods of those who criticize them, as employers fearing a public relations nightmare will often gladly toss one or more of their employees to the wolves, regardless of the absence of any actual wrong doing, simply to avoid such negative attention from this very loud and hysterical minority of voices.


Photograph taken of the 1931 demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow in order to make way for the Palace of the Soviets

As any efficient parasite does, instead of creating its own structures for subsistence and to serve its own needs, in most efficient form it instead hijacks the strife and work of others and attempts to re-purpose it to its own ends. Much like the Cuckoo finch, these actors mimic the people doing the actual work of development, and replace its ideological “eggs” with its own, attempting to manipulate others into acting against their own interests in order to achieve the actor's goals. Why do the work of creating your own institutions, when you can destroy existing institutions that conflict with your own ideology while also spreading your own? Like a virus bursting a cell membrane exploding its genetic code within an organism to further reproduce itself, Marxists prefer to infest hosts rather than to evolve on their own efforts.

Of course, Marxism and Communism has proven itself throughout history to be a failed ideology, so it can never evolve past this strategy of parasitism. In fact Marxism and Communism can not exist outside of a host because it ignores basic realities of human nature like scarcity, supply & demand, and incentive. While Marxism ignores some key points of human nature, it does so selectively, and in such a way that fosters an environment for its further growth. One area where Marxism is tied in very efficiently with human nature, is its propensity for narcissism. Of course there are various forms and levels of narcissistic behavior, and this is an a tribute all humans share in one form or another, but where Marxism really thrives is within those on the more extreme end of the spectrum, also known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). These individuals are not only in a perfect psychological state to be carriers and transmitters of Marxist ideology, they are extremely resistant to any criticism, and will latch on to any pretext available, now matter how shallow, in order to divert blame away from their own thoughts and actions. Furthermore as these narcissists collect in groups they serve to enable and normalize this behavior amongst themselves and serve to create an atmosphere where this behavior is acceptable. This makes them perfect hosts for the ideological virus of Marxism.

After years of studying what drives Communism and Marxism at its core, what really provides its momentum and growth, I am left with one primary conclusion that best sums up this ideology. Marxism is “memetic narcissism”. That is to say Marxism is a virus of the mind, a meme in popular terminology, which is concerned with only one thing, spreading itself. In a healthy, growing society, it would be difficult for this virus to spread as many fewer people would be in such a state of imbalance which would allow for this mental disorder to develop and spread. Since Marxism feeds off of the discontent of people on one level or another, without this malaise it has no host to latch on to. However in a society such as in the USA and other Western nations where many have enjoyed generations of abundance and even opulence, and growth and real development is stagnating, as in any late stage empire, the psychological state of its people begins to degenerate making it more vulnerable to such psychological pathogens. In a society so utterly infatuated with the sense of self to the point of ignoring the whole, we are bound to produce an exceptional amount of narcissists as such behavior is no longer even punished, but rewarded and encouraged.

This brings us closer to the modern day state of Marxism's growth in the West. Narcissism is at its core the pathology of a perpetual victim. In order to justify its destructive behavior it seeks to amplify existing, or manufacture perceived transgressions against itself in order to justify the victimization of others in some malignant perverted logic meant to some how transform this pattern of victimization into a sense of equality. The narcissist perceives a transgression, declares themselves or others victims, and then through this logic justifies the victimization of others in the name of creating equality, thus creating more victims, and the cycle continues and grows. What could be more descriptive than this to explain the history of Marxism and Communism?

In summary, most of the Western world is dangerously unprepared for the spread of memetic narcissism known as Marxism. Ignorant of history, politics, and psychology, the masses often confuse this ideology for democracy, liberalism, or progressive ideals and thus they go ignored, left to grow like a tumor in the heart of our republics. The people of the world badly need to be inoculated against the spread of this illness and so few are even aware of its existence all around them assuming other names and forms. You may not believe in it, but millions of others do, and that affects you. Cultivate the minds of those around you before it is too late, because we are ripe for harvest, and who will hold the seed?

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Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please click on.

" utterly destructive disaster throughout history?"

you see that massive dip?

That's when the SU collapsed

Your argument is quite circular. "Life expectancy went down during its collapse. Proof Communism works!" Lets just ignore the hundreds of millions killed introducing Communism during the Bolshevik revolution, as well as the new all time highs of life expectancy after it. Good job trying to turn a fail into a win though, very optimistic.

"oh man we overthrew the government so we could control the means of production ourselves...... wait people died? I thought this was a revolution and that never happens?"

remember when the United States did the same thing (but with less rights).

"oh man even though it took them 20 years, life expectancy now is higher than it was during the SU, better technology? That has nothing to do with it."

Still not seeing a valid argument for Communism here...

I haven't seen a valid argument against it either

I mean its worked tons of times throughout history? Its not hard to look it up?

I see, so nothing in the 4 pages above huh? Interesting. Also conveniently refractory. Are we talking about anarchy or Communism? Seems like you are shifting goal posts here.

you are wasting your time arguing with someone that looks at 100 millions corpses littering socialism's trail and sees no problem

Chart says 1946 - 2016. What does it look back if you go a decade or two back on that?

Communism clearly did wonders for China...

I take it the life expectancy for china that drops off is where there is no available data. Those life expectancies as you go back in time are interesting.

I'd conclude from these charts that you can't really tie Communism to an improvement in life expectancy. It seems overall world wide it has been increasing regardless. The capitalist (or pretend capitalist) nations are the highest and all of their dips correspond to wars and major changes. That big dip for China right before 1960 is interesting... it is also interesting that those up down periods are times when Communism was more actively practiced in China... the later times seem to correspond with when they created capitalist FREE TRADE zones (aka not communist) such as Hong Kong and Singapore.

Though I'd say you can't really draw conclusions one way or the other from this chart as it seems the trend for up slope was about the same regardless of whether it was communist or capitalist.

First of all. Look at how fast they went up, that is tied to how quickly they industrialized. Before Russia became communist they were just a bunch of farmers.

Just because the trend it up doesn't mean the acceleration doesn't mean anything.

look at this graph, mainly Africa. Remember that before the revolution Russia was basically a third world country.

Yes, I am sure that had nothing to do with the industrial revolution. Of course when you point out a rise in life expectancy it is Communism, but when I point it out it is just technological development.

Bonus points for not giving yourself $0.35 every time you string together a handful of words.

Yes... yet the world was also communicating AND traveling rapidly. Correlation does not equal causation.

Whether you are capitalist or communist none of these places were isolationists. They still traded, they still operated humanitarian goals, etc. They ALL are going up. The rapid rise to me looks to be more likely due to global equalization and sharing of health related technologies, inventions, and food.

I still say there is no evidence that capitalism or communism were the source of these things. I think it is far more likely due to be related to long distance communication and mass transit.

Basically to add to my other reply...

SO MANY things were going on during this period including global communication, mass transit, and many revolutions in health care and food.

The countries that have a lower life expectancy I don't really see capitalism/communism as likely causation.

I'd see it more as access to new healthcare and other tech that is more likely in my mind to be why these life expectancies have risen.

The only way to know for certain would be to isolate from all influence two countries and let them just run.

Then you would need controls as well.

Not likely to happen, and also a bit too late, so picking a favorite TOPIC to advocate for and saying "SEE look at this" when there were so many other factors going on during those time that seem more likely. At least they do to me. In this case it doesn't appear to be at all related to capitalism or communism.

Humanitarian movements, as well as global communication, and mass transit spreading new healthcare, tech, and food around seems more likely to explain what we are seeing than other cases. It also helps explain this graph with Africa and such as even today it is access to these things which tends to be why they have to struggle even today.

"I'd see it more as access to new healthcare and other tech that is more likely in my mind to be why these life expectancies have risen."

they wouldn't have gotten that without socialism tho. They wouldn't have the resources to pay for it

Yeah, sorry I should have used sarcasm tags xD Your analysis is on point.

One of the greatest factors of life expectancy increase through the 20th century was the reduction of open air wood burning in the home for cooking. This chart reflects that. Minus the missing China data where people were being slaughtered through democide faster than they could be recorded. That period would obviously not reflect this.

that has no effect if that changed for every country.

Yes it would because it would explain the rise in life expectancy for all countries... It wouldn't be the socialist or centralized structure of the governed area increasing the life expectancies.

it would not explain why some rise faster than others

Excellent article. Followed + resteemed.

I will say I think the reason it is having more success in the west is due to the intentional dumbing down of the education system.

Not only do they know very little about history, they are content that the very little they happen to know is enough.

Throw with that an increasing tendency to treat things as FACTS and TRUTH simply because they emotionally feel or sound good. A large portion of the population has no clue on how to actually reason, dissect ideas, question themselves, etc. Many of them can also never be wrong. When something goes wrong they will always seek out a scapegoat rather than admitting the things they themselves may be responsible for.

We also have a lot of people as ADULTS who are very active that mostly lived a sheltered fascade of reality as a child. We are seeing the impacts of what happens when people sheltered from reality turn into adults. They were raised to avoid and not have to deal with conflict in their safe spaces. Sadly it is those encounters that teach us how to ask questions, accept responsibility, and even question our own beliefs.

We are reaping what we have sown.

I totally agree. I tried to focus on what I felt the driving core behind this problem was so as to not make it way longer than it already is. There are lots of feedback loops in society reinforcing these ideals. One key you touched on is the poor state of the educational system. The conflagration of facts with feelings I think is more of a result of the normalization of this narcissistic behavior. Unfortunately this behavior just keeps snowballing as more people act this way and enable this behavior, and others imitate it because everyone wants to fit in right? Thanks very much for reading, following, resteeming, and the thoughtful comment!

This post received a 44% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericarthurblair! For more information, click here!

Very great article! Will reshare @phibetaiota
Thank you for the contribution and keep up the great work!
~The Management

Thank you!

I believe the steem society will grow in so many ways. The majority, in the world, will one day take notice of this young community. Even though they are drawn in through money/rewards they will be taken in with the difference how we respect one another, share many ideas, and have deeper discussions without name calling. The critival mass will wake up through positive experiences and this will spread the "steem virus" to family > friends and co-workers.
Something is happening > for now it's hard to see and hear but it's happening. The waiting line to get an account on steemit has gone to creating an instant account no waiting over two weeks.
The diamond in the rough is being revealed to the world and it will create a new matrix.
Great content post. upvote > follow > resteemed

Things are definitely changing world wide. A metamorphosis is taking place. On one hand you have the organic evolution of humanity edging into its next higher form, and the other you have the forged iron fist of technocracy pounding it down back into place. The real question is can humanity evolve fast enough? I think forums like Steem are more critical than anyone really knows to the world, and they are unfortunately such rare places. Of course that is by design... Thank you for the support!

Universal Basic Income will come as a marxism in disguise

Yes exactly. In fact I plan to write a bit about this. It is very simple logic. Once the people become dependent on government, they have defacto control over them, and also have a ready made base of people ready to go along with anything they say so they don't get cut off. Universal basic income is like the welfare state on steroids. Thanks for reading!

I wrote a piece on universal basic income you might like:

Please check it out!

Upvoted and Highly rEsteemed!
I'm going to follow you as well because of your wonderful book,
Which, if I'm not mistaken, was a Cookbook;

Indeed, we are whats for lunch. Thank you!

very impressive, i have upvoted, followed and resteemed as i think its important people read this ,i hope you resteem my post as i think it is important that people see it.

but I scanned it.
seems legit.

I thought so too, but ended up reading it after all. Was a good read.

Thank you,

I realize it is a bit long, and I was initially going to break it into 2 parts, but the first part is the less exciting historical aspect of it, and the real meat is in the second part. I felt like the context may be lost if I broke it up, as well as potentially giving the wrong idea about the second part causing some to ignore it. Given how much history reading is actually involved in understanding this subject, I think I condensed it down about as far as I could for the purpose while still effectively driving home the point. Thanks for the support!

Exceptional post!! Bravo.

It is hard fighting against the history of right this second with the younger generations. =)

I find even with a lot of the older folks, no one really takes the time to look past the history taught in school. Ignorance of history is a critical flaw, it allows us to keep falling victim to the same traps and failures. Thanks for reading!

Unfortunatley I find older people are not willing to analyze the history and what the conclusion was. They know what had happened in the past but with regard to the now " it could never happen here". A statement uttered from the edge of the cliff of empire many times in the past. =)

Good old normalcy bias at its best.

Since the London Bridge attack, on June 3rd, we have seen lies and misinformation from the main stream media, on a level we have never seen In this country. These media outlets, controlled by the Rothschild bankers, have been perpetuating fear and deception on the British people, with dramatic news coverage, which more resembles something like the television series 24, featuring Keither Sutherand.

What most people won't realize, Is that all of this propaganda Is to take our freedoms away, clamping down on Internet freedom and maybe even more worryingly used as an excuse, pretense, to Invade Syria and start World War 3. Please anyone reading this, please take the time to read the whole article and ask yourself who benefits from this so called terrorist event?

The corrupt UK government Is now going to regulate the visible Internet, how can the regulation of the Internet, protect anyone. There Is no way any terrorist or criminal, with a brain cell, would communicate via the visible web. They would use paper and couriers or a tor browser, they would go on the dark net and use encrypted email to remain hidden. The people peddling this BS, of regulation of the Internet, the Rothschild Cabal, the UK government, the BBC, Sky News and all the other completely corrupt UK mainstream media. They are lying, they are acting against the British people, they are all complicit In treason against this country and the British people. The real agenda of all of this Is to shut people down, who are telling the truth and make YouTube channels or website video producers obtain an OFCOM license, basically complete censorship. Because once someones under that sort of control and regulation they are banned from talking about a multitude of subjects. If they do speak Inconvenient truths, about these corrupt elites, they will be heavily fined or just taken off the air.

What truths am I talking about, the real reason for all of this Is to stop people, like myself, exposing the Rothschild's, who worship the Talmud. People who are Involved In pedophilia, the sort of people who supported and covered up for Edward Heath who was a pedophile, the people who, along with the BBC, protected Jimmy Savile.
This article will be hard for some people to read, but I'm not going to hold back because soon the visible net, most people use, will be completely censored. So It's now or never, people need to know exactly the level of evil that has been going on. These Rothschild criminals through the FED, which they own and run, with the Bush family they caused both world wars and through Presscott Bush funded Adolf Hitler. They along with the PNAC group and the Rockefeller family, through Israeli Intelligence, Instigated 911, resulting In the following Patriot Act and the mass surveillance of US citizens, and all the wars that have followed. They've supported the Influx of Islamic Sunni Wahhabists, who worship the prophet Muhammad, they follow the later part of the Koran, where Muhammad preaches terror and Jihad for the sole purpose of forcing non Muslims to convert to Islam. Muhammad also consummated his marriage with a nine year old girl, this Is something the Rothschild's also believe and practice, as the Talmud they follow allows sex with nine year olds.

Both Islamic Sharia Law and the Zionist Jews, who follow the Talmud, believe that non Muslims, Kuffar, which Is a highly derogatory Arabic term, or In the case of the Zionists, non Jews, Goyim as they call us, they think of us as pretty much nothing In their eyes. It Is Important to make clear, I'm speaking out against people who follow the Talmud, which fortunately Is a small percentage of Jews, I have nothing against the average Jewish person, most Jews are against Zionism. But the Rothschild bloodline, that run the UK, live by the Talmud and, to them, one of them Is equal to thousands of Goyim, non Jews. This Is why, Sunni, Islamic pedophile gangs have been protected In the UK, because the people above the UK government, the criminal Rothschild Cabal and the highest levels of the UK government are Involved In pedophilia.

Like many prominent researchers have said, watch the reaction, by the government, to these attacks. By understanding the response and the reaction, It gives you a clue to, A: who benefits from these events like London Bridge Attack? B: who might actually be responsible for them. So their solution Is to lets completely censor the Internet stop people speaking out about the Truth of what Is really going on and who Is really behind what we see. Now we are not just talking about pedophilia but like the ex CIA agent, Robert David Steele talks about on his website, we're talking about ritual child sacrifice and the drinking of adrenalized human blood, mainly of children. When I first heard about this, I used to not listen, I used to change the website or the YouTube channel, why, because this Is hard to hear, It's evil It's satanic and that's where this comes from.

So now we have Theresa May, the latest spokesperson for these demons, announcing that custodial sentences and less serious offences for terrorism, which will quite literally mean people like myself or people speaking uncomfortable truths exposing these elites for the luciferians they are. For calling them out, people like Theresa May and the like for what they are, funders of ISIS, backers of the most oppressive countries In the world Saudi Arabia and the mass slaughter of children In Yemen using British arms. The same prime minister, directed by the Rothschild Cabal, who perverts the course of justice In the historic sex abuse inquiry, by appointing judges that are friends with the accused Leon Brittan. The Truth Is the UK government Is a mask controlled by and used to protect the mass pedophilia and child sacrifice perpetrated by these evil, satanic Rothschild Zionists who are directly aligned with the luciferian Vatican.

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