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RE: LIBERTY Post of the Day! | Do not Drink the Mainstream Media Kool Aid/ Statist Propaganda ~ They Are in Bed Together. | Forget the Left/Right Farce in Politics Meant to Divide us. | L/R Wings = Still on the Same Bird. E. ~5

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Exactly John adams said , "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

Dividing the people into two separate groups is what they want because then if we are divided we can't stand united against them! Thats why we now have so many opposing issues that seem to be blown out of proportion! The more division the easier it is for them to maintain control




Being a Canadian citizen and having "diversity", "Inclusion", "Tolerance" and "Reconciliation" shoved down my throat for the last couple years, I can relate to the feeling of being cut up into many pieces. Recognizing and focusing on Diversity is one of the most Racist and Bigoted things one can do. In order to recognize diversity, you have to first divide and recognize each division, and make each division more important than the whole. It is only through integration, not even assimilation, simple integration that other cultural influences enrich the cultural mosaic of a country without damaging or warping the unifying fabric of the overlying ideological culture, or their own roots. Two party politics is not enough these days it seems... we have to sub categorized, classified, and labelled. It's a dark time we are living in.

And if you want to know what the push to 'collectivism' is all about.. a global collectivist state... vs the individual.

In #Canadastan - if you challenge the gov't narrative you will be spied on and surveilled by anyone and everyone in AGENCIES under the guise of #PoliceState Bill C-51 as a threat to national "security" -- targeted and harassed and or ignored if you actually need something.

Ask me how I know.

How do you know? Do I really want to know? Ask me if I really want to know?

Great comments.

Spot on.

We are one.... TOGETHER.

Thanks @barrydutton! we are letting them spread hate and fear into the minds of individuals because they know they have the power to control what is spread. Which is why I love this community so much! It is full of hard working honest people who see through the fallacy of our government! If I was on facebook my comment would have been ridiculed by people who do not even realize the underlying workings behind the scenes.


A house divided can never stand... Lincoln