Ever get suspicious when you get told what NOT to think? .. .Thought Crime Alert.

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

I just got a three day ban on fascistbook for this meme

I should add that I personally feel the meme should state zionists, not jews. Most jews are innocent, unknowing, indoctrinated as much, if not more, than the rest of us. People can be jewish by faith, by bloodline, by location. The zionist state of Israel is the problem.

I mentioned that I never learned about this in school... did you...?

I learned all about Hitler, I watched a thousand documentaries at school and at home and yet, I never heard this.
By the end of 14 years in the education "system" I realise now, I was merely indoctrinated.

Do you know the power stranglehold FreeMasons have over the courts and cops in every country?

Do you see their symbolic chequers around the third eye on the cop hats and on the cop cars?

If you are ever unfortunate enough to be dragged into a courtroom... check the head of your judges gavel.

FreeMasons swear an oath to each other, to uphold each others secrets above all others.
It is so depressing, as a woman, to see the best and brightest of our societies men either in this stranglehold, or inept to do anything about this nefarious control system.

As I understand, the FreeMasons are a club for both jews and gentiles, where they may be utilised, organised, corralled, and controlled by their local zionist and internationalist agents.

They do a LOT of good. They move money around and help people no end.
Then there is the underbelly that is rapidly being exposed again, since the rise of free sharing of information of individuals via internet.

To think these millions of men serve an oath to each other, over and above all women and children, and other men... is depressing.
To see how long this group has had this stranglehold on the human race is damning.

We all need to challenge these powerful secret societies that dominate these corrupt systems all over the planet, that have enslaved so many minds.

Maybe there is hope for us yet

Despite the fact this post might not be popular, I am thankful Steemit is a place where I can leave my thoughts.
It's re-inspired me...

And, whatever you do - Do NOT think about any elephants!


Our history has been so distorted. The winners always write the books....unfortunatly damn there all of society has been fed a pack of lies about damn there every major event. Hitler warned of a world war 3 once the rest of the world realized what he was trying to stop....he knew who ran shit and their beliefs of everyone else.

agreed @martinn1017 i just know it is time we kill any authoritay that thinks it can stop us talking to each other, under the guise of thought crime

I think we gotta worry about the chip first....hear about wisconsin?

No... what's happened in Wisconsin? Chips make me feel so sick even to think about

O there is a company there chipping its employees for like entry and such....they even had a like event day for groups to get it done.

incredible postings and very useful, follow me @elissahawke

I have a friend who is a Freemason here. Honestly, I have no idea what it is they do. My other friend was invited to have dinner with them once and he said they looked like a bunch of old dudes who only got together to drink only.

I think they are just like all humans mostly... some are good, some are bad, all these co-ordinated men can certainly get together and do a lot of good... I am just anti-authoritarian.. and I'm not a "joiner"either... even if I had a penis.... from their sign on the money, to the handshakes of the movers and shakers of industry, to the kardashian house decor to the ... "my""M"(Masonic) TV... the more you know of the symbols the more you see their hand in almost all aspects of culture

Reaaaally? I ought to take notice then. Thanks.

Im pretty sure the Masons are only in the mix because quite a few of their members either were or are very powerful and have done some sketchy or just messed up stuff so they catch quite a bit of heat not to mention the earlier masons were pretty cryptic....but for the most part yea just people usually middle upperclass with a belief in some sort of higher power. Similar to the skull and bones society. Most of them will never see the secret part of it.

Higher power? Really?

I don't even see their contributions to society, not to mention most of them fit a weird behavioral pattern.

Yea the Grand Architect if my memory serves me right. A lot of them are pretty philanthropic in there local communties nothing to big that i know of anymore though. But it has housed some pretty big names. Their phyiscal contributions lie in a lot of our older architecture at one time they at least a few of them were masons....And the weird behavior....the higher echelons on society do a lot behind closed doors most people have no real clue about....i know alot about this stuff and still I can only guess.

Great post, I agree with your comment. The Meme should state Zionist instead of jews. The words "jews" is a trigger words and slightly inaccurate. They type of jew that are doing this are actually not jewish at all, they are know by the "khazars" or the "ashkenazi".


yes, that is something I left out, the semitic people are acually the ones native to the area including the Palestinians so it is another way they spin the lie

Agreed, it always amazing me how good the manipulators have become at spinning so many multiple lies.

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hey @agusmol ! Thanks for sharing! : )