Electric scooters have been growing in popularity lately and city officials have alleged that they have received plenty of complaints about the scooters being left randomly at different places in public.
There are 3 different companies in California who recently unveiled their electric scooters to the public a few weeks ago, despite having allegedly failed to first obtain the appropriate permission from the state.
I wonder... which is more likely, that someone on the streets of San Fran might be unjustly attacked by an individual employed in a position of authority, or that they might be maimed by a scooter?...
Scooter companies have insisted that their products are going to help ease congestion and provide yet another alternative method of transportation for people to choose when they travel.
The traffic in San Francisco is ranked as being among the worst traffic in the world, and was previously rated as the 4th most congested city in the world.

The station-less bike sharing concept is being explored in various places worldwide. And thanks to the uproar that some city officials have made, various scooter companies such as Bird, Spin, and Lime, have sought to make changes to try and appease their worries.
This includes things like introducing helmets for riders and requiring that users submit a photo after they've parked their scooter after the ride is over.
Since launching, the scooter companies have provided a service for tens of thousands of passengers
Right now, officials want the scooters off the streets while they seek to implement their new permit scheme. And along with that comes the requirement that companies will need to share the data that they collect with the city, among other stipulations.

They've got until June 4th to remove the scooters and obtain the appropriate permission so that they can continue to operate.
The city transportation agency is the one who is going to decide, rather than the market itself (via people voting with their dollars) which company might be deemed worthy to compete.
San Francisco isn't the only region that's sought to introduce new legislation surrounding the use of these free-floating electric scooters. In Austin and Atlanta they've also looked to propose rules surrounding their use.
Some surveys have found that people view electric scooters as being dangerous devices and say that they have no interest in using them. Though that isn't the case for everyone. It is already clear that there is a growing demand, there are many who want to see this transportation method as an option in their community.
In North America, the electric scooter and motorcycle market is estimated to be worth more than $200 million and it's expected to surpass $795 million by 2025.
Recode via recode.net/2018/5/20/17328110/lime-limebike-dockless-scooters-san-francisco-charge-drop-off
I see these things all over Santa Monica, CA but I haven’t ridden one yet. I wish the authorities would butt out of what amounts to a non problem.
Would like to see the whole city with this instead of cars, @doitvoluntarily :)
BureauRATS are never happy unless they are regulating. The government that isn't growing and expanding its power is simply anathema to liberals. Scooter registration??? Too funny...(if they weren't serious.)
It reminds me of how insane "carbon credits" sounded when it was first trial-ballooned by the left a decade or more ago. It still looms though...
I'm very interested in these small electric vehicles. They are fairly safe because they don't go very fast, very efficient and can be shared. All good things.
Innovation without permission is always forbidden by luddite bureaucrats and crony corporations.
The nanny state at its finest. Think for us, decide for us, and wipe our noses while you're at it. No thanks! Let the market decide whether these are viable or not. If they're truly a safety issue then perhaps specific regulation on speed or location is needed, but even that should be limited. This is ridiculous.
hello friend @doitvoluntarily, in my opinion the scooters are very beneficial because they are the perfect vehicle to move around the city, they are light and agile, they consume little, they are practical and they are also comfortable. Its advantages make it unrivaled in urban traffic. It allows us to move quickly and economically, but we must be very careful about any type of accidents, with pedestrians or the bad state of the road network represents risks of accidents for the user is exposed. Greetings friend WITH SUCCESS
At present, there is no world government that has not realized that environmental pollution has become a very serious problem that is affecting the planet Earth. Electric motorcycles, as the electric scooter is known, have been gaining ground against traditional cars, positioning one step ahead of them and achieving unparalleled efficiency in a city and full of traffic.
wow awesome post really so much
Very fun to ride , great post !
How "green" are these scooters compared to conventional transportation? Being in the motorcycle business for 17 years I can tell you even gas scooters and motorcycles are way less pollutant than their full size vehicle counterparts. Not to mention they take up less space and are generally "except Harleys" quieter to operate. This should be a win-win-win for the traffic problem.
But leave it to government to micromanage every aspect of our lives! The remnants of our "free market" continually innovate useful products and solutions DESPITE government (uber, Lyft, Air-BNB) and what do they get for their trouble? Attacked and harassed.
I am past the point of asking for permission from our usurpers in charge. Be an example to others. Show people how to live free.
It starts in the mind.
When you assume that government is intent on restricting the right of travel, and view all transportation proposals through this lens, what is happening with scooters now makes perfect sense.
Scooter sharing proposals prevent government from restricting travel economically, and make most of it's laws and profiteering from travel restrictions obsolete.
Never forget that to government, freedom is the enemy, and subjects are the desired resource--just like any gang of thugs.
This I like good that we all use it is much more practical and we would arrive faster to our destination, these electric skateboards are very safe it would be fantastic this idea
It is amazing something that is working and is an interesting way to solve the problem of trancito, as the agencies in order to raise more and place more money in their pockets are corrupt expectations and other issues that require their audit as it is not profitable they do not ignore
Many thanks dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing this information
Man they're becoming a real problem here in Singapore. There's already a few reported accidents and one of them resulted in a fatality.
I remarked to my friend that her son needs to watch out when walking on the pavement now, instead of simply the roads.
I prefer it to be use on outdoor activities and family picnics :)
There are Birds all over the place in Ocean Beach, San Diego California. With a broken ankle I am still able to get to shops and the beach by using these. I think they can cause trouble for drivers who don't pay attention, but the overall consensus seems to be positive. Although I did hear a few people scoff about "safety" as I scooted by on a Bird with a broken ankle haha