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RE: Freedom? - Freiheit?

in #freedom7 years ago

A very interesting writing you wrote today. I am almost 60 years old now. I can feel your words. To me what I wanted at 20 and then at 30 changed. I will have to say that at each 10 years I changed my mind about a lot of things. Everyday with new information that we didn't know then, but know now only by experience or discovery we can change our mind about things or maybe redefine those same words that we used when at 20. I enjoyed this writing of yours very much.


Hey David, thank you very much for your interesting answer. My question to you? How did your opinion change from 30 to 40 years old? Greeting Lena

Hi Lena, Yes, it did change. When I was about 29 years old I got married to a girl at my work. It was a couple months later that I turned 30. Well she left me about 2 years later. Before that I can feel there was something wrong, but I couldn't get her to talk to me. I suggested we go to a marriage counselor. She didn't want to go. I just wanted her to talk to me and tell me what is the matter. She told me that there are things that she will never tell me. So before I knew it I received divorce papers. I wouldn't sign them, but then I heard she was living with someone. That is when I signed the papers. After that I would just go out and drink at the dance bars. I don't do that any more, but did that a lot then. That wasn't my normal pattern. During our marriage together we had just bought a house and we needed both incomes to make the payments. When she left I had to get roommates or I would have lost the house for sure. I would say to myself, why didn't she leave before we bought this house. Same house I am in now. I went going on dates never got the right match. By the time of was 40 I had paid off a lot of debt so that I didn't have to have roommates. Anyway those 10 years it is hard to say. I even had women that proposed to me. I didn't want to marry them. I guess I could see in my head that it wouldn't work. I mean if dating them doesn't go that well then living with them can't be any better. Well, in my thoughts anyway. Now that was my life then. I was going though a lot of stuff.

If you decide to get married it is best to really look at your potential partner. As for me she was very good looking, but I should chosen someone that believes like I believe. She seemed to, but not quite there. I did have people tell me this is not the one. Well, I should have listened. I was so sure she was the one, but I didn't see or I refused to see the other things. After me she married 3 more times at least. I know this is getting long. You seem like a very nice person and I wouldn't want you to go through what I went through.

So I don't know if I even answered your question, but I hope I did.

Greetings, David.