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RE: "Who deserves Freedom and Prosperity" a conversation with GOD, by Craig Grant

in #freedom9 years ago

Your dad is right that 7 billion people cant do it, but 1 person can, or a family of 5 can if they choose to live that way, and that is what is important, personal choice. The world is imaginary, there is no way I can physically experience 100,000 people all at the time, so living my life based on what I can imagine to exist and not actually does exist is like being lost in my imagination, like being a character in the background of a video game, while the main character plays for one self. The world is only as big as what I can physically experience, accepting this is how one can move thru the world and everything is provided no matter what.


Good point, I’m enjoying the conversation! A significant number of the world population could live this way - in fact a number of expatriates seem to be adopting this lifestyle by cashing in all their acquired goods and living in a banana republic somewhere. Everything is provided so long as we don’t reach a major supply problem brought about by some tipping point of over consumption of the worlds resources.

Ultimately I agree with you that everything is imaginary because everything that happens outside is reflected as thoughts and mental formations inside and this is the only thing with which we can experience the world. Yet there are certain fundamental physical laws and statistical occurrences that it would be best not to ignore if we wish to provide a level of peace, harmony and prosperity for the majority of the worlds population. I don’t think we can work our way through this only in a physical way but who knows, I’m a bit tired of thinking about it. ;)