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RE: World Governments Vs The People: How Truly Bad is the State of Leadership and Power in our World?

in #freedom8 years ago

Great post my friend :-)
These are the topics that are so important to all of us. Secret elections are pure BS, If anything needs transparency elections do. if you loose your job because you countered you bosses vote, so be it. you didn't want to work for a dictator anyway, did you? Nor do we want to live under dictator rulers.
keep on writing I'll keep reading
Thank You :-)


That to me is the biggest point out we have that there is trouble here. I can see 50 years ago there really wasn't the proper tools to do a more transparent voting system but right now we have so many options and bright minds to create one but they keep wanting to stick to the old paper ballot in a mysterious box and curtain way. That is just asinine with the options we have and so many avenues to save money with elections as well. We are just wasting money where we could be using it to better the world and I believe the people of the world are getting very wise to the headaches of nonsense leaders keep doing. I am really glad you liked this, my hope is to awaken a few people to look around more.