in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


If you want to control vast number of people, you can't do it by using force because there is to many people and to little of you wanting control. Instead you must convince target population they must obey your commands. How do you do that? This short story applies to almost everyone. It describes how easy it is to convince people they must obey...

We have Human A working for government and human B just living his life bothering anyone.

Human A: 'You must obey my commands!'
Human B: 'Hahaha you are crazy, why should I obey your commands?'
Human A: 'I'm representing government.'
Human B: 'Didn't know, I'm sorry. I will comply to your commands.'

This short and simple story shows us two things:

  • Almost everyone woudn't obey orders from another human, but if it is coming from someone representing government, they will obey it immediately because they see the government as authority that must be obeyed.
  • Psychopathic people wanting control over others only need to acquire postions in the government to have control over people. Their evil intent soon becomes law.

This seems far too simplistic to be true?

Just look at worst atrocities in human history, wars and oppressive regimes. They were not made by evil people, but by very large numbers of average people who percieved those evil people as authority and felt obligated to follow their commands. The number of violent deaths and oppressions made by people who was just following orders from government authority exceed by far number of deaths and oppressions made by people acted on their own.

The myth of authority brought two biggest horors to human society: WAR and OPPRESION



Look at human history, war after war and it seems there is no end to it. Up to 20th century most of the wars happend because of food and other nature resources. During last century our tehnology got so advanced that we don't need to fight over that reasons. Most of the people want to live their life peacefully, enjoying life with their friends and family. But why then there is so many wars in last century and now? Is it because we don't have enough food? Is it because of lack of tehnology to transporting food or some other resource? Is it because people love to be inhumane to other people? Is it because people are cold blooded murderers? When soldiers come back to place which they call home, do they kill people there?...Of course, all the answers to these questions are NO. So why did so many wars happend in last century and still going now? Why are people trying to kill people from other part of Earth? There is many reasons for that. Some of the reasons are: they bought a lie that there is some group of people on other part of planet that wants to kill them, that we are all threat to each other and can live peacefully together, they bought lie "us vs them" instead of cooperating. But the biggest lie they bought is lie that there is some authority that should decide for them what they should think and do. And the biggest lie that you must comply to that so called authority.

Look at 1st and 2nd World war, Cold war, Vietnam war, all the wars in Middle East...all watched from distance of time, you can see clearly that all was propaganda that their is some enemy we must fight. There was no treath from people living on other parts of planet. Elites are always promoting "us vs them" mentality so they can divide and rule us. There was only evil people trying to convince people in that. Because people bought that lies and believed that telling them that are authority and must be obeyed, they forget about their morals and went to kill people they never met. Would these wars happen if people didn't believe that evil people are authority and must be obeyed? Would people throw bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki if they didn't believe they must follow orders from authority? Of course not. Would American soldiers go to Iraq to kill people if they didn't bought lies and believed in authority so felt obligated to do it? No no no.

99% of all violent killings will disappear if people stop believing there is such thing as authority that must be obeyed.


People's beliefs that we must obey government commands called laws brought worst atrocities in history of human societies. This is not applied only on wars, it is applied in enslavement of 'your own' people. Look at examples of lunatics leading Third Reich, Soviet Union, Chinese communism and many other...would oppression in that societies be possible if people acting as police officers didn't perceive those lunatics as authority that must be obeyed? No. People acting as police officers fallen for the lie that when aggresion and control is commited in the name of the law, then it is legimitate and moral, even nessesery. It's funny how people acting as police officers don't realize they are slaves to the government as people they are harrasing in the name of the government. Prisoners keeping prison going.

Third reich style is still going everywhere

When people look at examples like Third Reich, they think that violent regimes are thing of the past, not realizing that is happening right now everywhere on this planet. Is there any part of this planet that some government don't claim itis theirs? No, so where ever you live, you should obey command sorry laws from some government. Look at next picture and ask youself what is the difference between Third Reich and any other country right now? Ok, I know this is comparison to USA, the most "free" country in the world, but still...



This is long story. It involves spirituality and much more. In this article I will give short answers to some of the questions. In 'Road to freedom' series, I will make separty articles about every of this questions(and more) and explain in great details.

What is country or state in the end?

In all these wars, for what are we fighting? For 'our' state. What is state? Is that some living creature that can control us? That is just mental concept in our heads. We can call some area of planet aaaaa and some other part bbbbb. Purpose of that is to make converstaion easier. Imagine our conversation are 'you know that place where is ocean, mountains,...' or we can make name for that place to make conversation quicker and easier. But that name can't be above any human. Mental concept can't be above living being. What are wars than killing in the name of state. Nobody in wars goes to kill people for themselves, it is always for something 'above you' (state, "God",...)

Someone said: "I never saw any country, but did saw many people saying they are some nacionality. I saw those people kill in the name of something that not exist. When I tried to show them that, they were angry at me. Maybe I'm strange, because I only see humans."

Birth certifacate

Birth certificate is piece of paper in which your parents write 'your' name. By applying that paper to some of government institutions, they register that name to the state. That is the moment from which government can say it has jurisdiction over someone. By saying that, they mean they have jurisdiction over that name, because they can't have jurisdiction over living being. When they ask you in court room 'Are you some name?' and your answer is 'Yes.', you automatically are under their jurisdiction. That is long story, it must be explained in separate article.

What is registration?

Word registration comes Latin word Regis (place), Latin for "of the king". The name usually recalls the historical ownership of lands or manors by the Crown. The "Regis" form was often used in the past as an alternative form to "King's". So when you register something, you just put it under kings jurisdiction, in our case government jurisditction. Until you don't register somenting to government, that thing is free from government jurisdiction. (Long story for separate post, but I hope you understand the basics of it)

What is legal system?

Police, courts, judges are just agents Smith' trying to ensure that everybody follow commands from government. If you don't follow that rules, they take you to their court that makes some penalty for you. They can do that because they claim juristicion over you, over your name to be specific. I started to write about how we can get out of this in court in details, but I realized it will take to long to explain it all. In separate article I will explain it in details.



There is no manual on how to be free. I can only say my opinion and tell few examples from people I know.

My opinion is that the best way to bring awareness about this is the easiest and most efficient...just talking about it openly. That way more people will learn and faster we all gonna be free.

When you have encountur with people officers, don't be mean to them because they don't know this. Explain them peacefully, don't worry it will stay somewhere in the back of their mind.

Learn about this stuff so you can help self and other people. Connect with people, be support to each other. If someone gets in trouble with laws, see what you can do about it.

I wrote little bit about legal stuff in this article, in next articles there will be more details about it and how can you use it.

Few examples

Some people in Croatia have their own licence plates. Don't know about other parts of world, but that is not so hard to do in Croatia. Of course people acting as government tried to bully them, but you got to stay strong. Eventualy they are all driving with them with no big problems.

Some are growing hemp openly, they don't care about law beacause no one can have jurisdiction over your life.

One guy from Croatia have his own court which is officialy recognized by "official justice system". He never judge by law, only by justice.

The most important thing is to not be affraid. There is to many of us, they can't control us. Only way they are able to control us is because most of us got belief that we must obey their commands called laws. No one has right to tell you what you can or can't do. No government can be above any human. We must realize that government system is here to control us, not to make our lifes easier. We must realize how are we being controlled. When we realise that, we are long way on road to freedom...

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This post received a 1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @doitvoluntarily! For more information, click here!

Spot on, dude. Nobody has natural authority over anyone. Authority is only legitimate through express consent.

I upvoted you!

This was very well thought out, I am an ancap so I have very little to add. Thank you and this is esteemed!

Thanks. I could write it better with more details, but to write articles in english like this one, it takes me up to 3 days. So on third day after all that effort I get little nervous and I just post it.

You are doing very well. Please continue posting. I imagine it will strengthen your English writing skills, and to be honest, it's already far better than many people that only speak and write English. I appreciate and admire you, your content, and your perseverance!

Thanks, I really appreciate it. Btw You are one of the people I'm glad I met thru Steemit. Love your honesty about war stuff.

Thank you, I think we are philosophically very similar. Perhaps you're more wise for figuring it out without some of the experiences that I describe. Your perspective is awesome. If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?

LOL You coudn't figure it out from articles? :) just scroll thru headlines of #1 and #2 article and you will see why is funny you ask this :)

Croatia! 🇭🇷

Great post mate, fuck the law and fuck capitalism. Followed & liked, even if I know probably everything you'll post others should hear it too~

By the way though, all those things compared to the third Reich existed before then.
It was slavery that all those things were first done in a wide-spread fashion.
That's where the police originated from.
They were made to keep slaves in line, going to where they were supposed to, obeying orders, etc etc. To keep them good little slaves to their masters.

Because that didn't work out, the masters moved up and granted the illusion of freedom to the majority, when in fact today western countries are nothing more than big farms for the elite corporate capitalists.

Illusion of freedom is what makes this prison going. "Free" people think there is nothing to change because they are alreday free. But more and more people are seeing the prison bars for te first time.

I know there was similar situations like Third Reich even before, but I like to give fresh example so someone new to this, so he can make comparison easier.

Well yeah, I just wasn't sure if you knew. Most people, even anarchists, have no clue about where the police actually grew out of.

Enjoyed your well written and structure text so far, just to get rid of a little eye soar

Whoud that wars happend if people didn't believe that evil people are authority and must be obeyed?

"Would these wars happen" is what you meant to say, right?

Continuing the good read

Yes I did. English is not my primary language, so few mistakes in long article is to be expected. Maybe I wrote this in wrong way too hahaha

you seem to like to leave out the "uncertain singular article"; the "a". I assume you don't have that in your language. Ie:

English is not my primary language, so few mistakes in long article is to be expected

should be "English is not my primary language, so a few mistakes in a long article is to be expected."

Apart from you sometimes letting that article slip, I would not be able to tell that you are not a native english speaker ;)

German and Croat dude arguing about english grammar LOL I think both examples are correct.

So first of all about your writing and length, because you asked me about it:

It was very good. There were one or two little mistakes, like the one I pointed out in my other comment, but I would have done much more in such a long text!

The text length is definitely OK. It looks long, but it is very interesting and thus not exhausting to read. I don't think I can give you any good advice, @thatgermandude's texts do not look and read as good as yours. ;)

On the topic:

I feel like many people take the word authority to literally. The ones involved in strict hierarchies and the ones rejecting them. When I talk about authority I always think of it as a Master-Apprentice relation: The master has more experience in the skill or science, and the apprentice should show more respect for the words of the master of the craft, but that doesn't mean the apprentice can not criticize the ways of the master. He is actually bound to challenge him some day, "beat" him and become a master himself.

That is healthy authority for me. This bureaucratic industriell complex ruling our world is a cancer, for the lack of any better comparison.

I disagree on the notion of evil people, I believe people can be heavily misguided, maybe even beyond cure, but are never inherently evil.

I will post about my 1 month visit to the Bundeswehr some day on my personal account. Even military authority is not as inhumane as an outsider might think.

Can you give me once again the permission to feature your article in "what i read in politics today"? Just so I have it as a reply under the actual article.

Yes, you have permission.

thanks for the permission and your valuable contribution to #politics!

I didn't say that people are evil. From article: Just look at worst atrocities in human history, wars and oppressive regimes. They were not made by evil people, but by very large numbers of average people who percieved those evil people as authority and felt obligated to follow their commands.

oh my.... yes I misread it as "They were made by evil people.." I am sorry. I should read more carefully before claiming you said things you did not.

It happens

And a video that at one time anonymous and the investigative featured:

A must read, John locke's the two treatises of civil government (free)

If someone say in one sentence something that describe what I want to describe, why woudn't I repeat it?

Never said or accused you of that. They have a bot that does those accusations. I just thought I would add more to the topic. John Locke's book, particularly book 2, isn't just an important authority on the subject-it might be the original authority. It is very important that people understand natural law and the tyranny of statism, and learn to resist statism regardless of the party.

It is obvious when somebody is copy pasting, but this is not the case. I took line or two from this movie because it represent what I want to say. That doesn't mean I wouldn't say it like that or similar if this movie don't exist. About John Locke, didn't read anything from him. Love to see some video about him, is there some you recommend?

I haven't seen a video on locke as I stopped watching tv. Last i known the history channel doesn't even do history anymore.

Here is a youtube video claiming to be about him from wheaton college.

Thanks. I will check it out.

The wheaton value doesn't address the concepts I was talking about.

Here is an 11 hour audio book of the two treatises. Probably book ii I the best place to start.

book I undermines the divine rights of kings.

book II goes on to define natural law.

Where are we going, indeed... somewhere like this.

which also reminds me of this...

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I know Mark's work. Thanks for advice. Followed you back.

I love Mark! followed!

@world-travel-pro I don't think article is too long because this subject is too complicated to explain in few words. You may understand it, but there is to many statist. They need few explanations.

Thanks for advices. My plan is to write articles for couple of monts and see would I get some followers/revenue. After couple of months I will decide is it worth it. My biggest problem is that english is not my primary language, so to write good article I need 2-3 days. After that to recieve only pennies is demotivating.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment