Totally. This is why they are hellbent on discrediting the cryptocurrency surge.
They are all over themselves to report how thieves, perverts, and terrorists use crypto so it must be bad and must be controlled. They couldn't wait to report the fall in bitcoin the other week.
They are terrified of us taking our own money back under our own control. Because once we remove their power over the money flow they are done and over.
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I find it funny with the media and politicians about crypto. They keep picking on the small groups of criminals but i still believe more criminals use fiat and cash then crypto lol. I watch for news reports to kind of digest for articles and man do they ever rush to one dip in the market to call out the uselessness in crypto...never the fact it always recovers and way stronger than anything Wall Street plays with. I say they just cash out, go be rich in private and leave the power game to the people from now on
I'm not sure they will go quietly into the night without a big boot up the arse. I understand they love their money and their pretty things and we could actually buy them off, but they also love power. They feed on power and that will be much harder to convince them to give up.
I agree, that is really all they want, they already got all the money now its about power for them, what more can they obtain past money is controlling the masses, not much left after that other than destroying the world for fun
And that is the true dilemma. How to remove that power.
We agree they can be bought and I believe we have as a civilisation, been trying that for centuries. Now, I suggest we do have to break them financially and that is why crypto needs protecting from them and from the banks buying in.
Its going to take some smarts on removing it, there is ways and we are working towards it but its gonna take more than what we currently have in crypto.
By the way, I sent you a reponse on the SLACK but decided to send in in a private DM over there, was a novel. Little of my back story and why I have issues with the system lol...seen stuff and went through it but its kind of not probably wise to go too public about it yet, you will get why but I am open about it, little personal share with you buddy when you find a moment.
I shall go and try and find the PM section there lol
lol...oh yea its a bit mess. If you look in the menu to the left, its there at the bottom of that list under our channels. Should see my name with a highlighted message there