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RE: Comparing Clif High to a real truth teller - one calls out the truth and the other conceals it - you guess which is which..

in #freedom7 years ago

Your logic is justifying Clif's failed results based upon potential planetary timeline changes rather than objective facts of whether he was right or wrong in his predictions.

Actually, it is because i have a lot of experience with predictions.
Reading the future is a very iffy thing.
As in, there are futureS, not a single future.

Further, if there is an accident is someone's future, telling them to avoid that accident doesn't work, because the accident will find them, wherever they are, whatever they do. It is an energetic thing, and thus, to untie the person from the accident, you have to change what they are attracting, what they are currently being.

So, i say the earth's future has seriously changed over the last two decades. And thus, anyone who is truly doing predictions, if they are being honest, would have their story change over the last two decades.


This may be the case, and it could be a reason why Clif has been inaccurate. Whether this makes Clif more palatable as a trusted information source is a different question. I thoroughly believe that Clif has an agenda whether ever stated or not. There are too many weird coincidences and connections with Clif that can no longer be ignored from my perspective. This means that any information you get from Clif may very well be manipulated according to this agenda even if the Web bot actually exists and is feeding him somewhat accurate information - in other words, every effective trap has to have some decent bait..