Many Have Forgotten or have never been taught what Memorial Day is about.
It is to remember those who fought against armies controlled by Tyrannical governments.
Obviously soldiers on both sides believed in what they were fighting for, but what were they told to believe?
For the most part, Control, Money, Greed, Power, Lies, Deception, Propaganda, Carefully contrived false flag attacks, Have tricked every soldier into sacrificing their lives and souls to cater to the whims of the string pullers as they control the news and arrest or kill anyone who exposes the very ones who are at the heart of these Epic Crimes Against Humanity. The noble soldiers probably would think differently if they knew their leaders were trafficking their children and playing both sides while engorging themselves in the profits from slave labor and louting everyone on their path. Why are troops in Afghanistan? How are all the tons of heroin getting into the US? What was Iraq about? Oil? What happened in Libya? what's really going on in Syria?
They are not telling you and are counting on you not caring enough to find out. Just in case you get curious , there are many carefully written cover stories, often blatant lies. We celebrate this Memorial day as, Tommy Robinson, a well respected reporter is jailed for exposing the truth as Freedom of speech is in it's death throes around the world. Our true history, cures, and inventions are hidden while Earth itself is being systematically destroyed to satisfy the beast that drives these so called leaders. Wars, skin color, and religious divisions, among many other things, are the leaders tools to keep people divided. Ignorant Apathetic people are the fuel that keeps this horror alive. They think that they aren't part of the problem. They drink the fluoride and pay huge taxes, taking dangerous prescription drugs, and eat manipulated food as they live a rat race type existence, living hand to mouth, while drowning in debt. Maybe there should be more to learn than remember on this Memorial Day 2018?
we should die for our country 2ndly they financial their life will be improve 3rd they get lots of benefits.. i don't see the end near future for all of this .. it ll continue until as far as humans we alive.. you can see through out human history this is what we did greed & invasion desire for more.Exactly @brotherdave but I don't believe soliders didn't know about their gov hidden agenda .. at some point they knew why this all happening ... First thing they choice to be a soldier they patriotic because from childhood each and everyone of us brain washed us and saying
and some also pretend to forget when they remember. Thank you @britherdave for rethinking
thank you for recalling that we may realize it all. how is @brotherdave been a few days you did not make a post if there is a problem.
Hello, amazing when others might forget about this you make me remember it success greeting always.
a very interesting post from you @brotherdave because you already remembered and gave tau about commemorating the day 2018 that should be in the memory again ..
anniversaries should be remembered together we still remember @brotherdave
thank you for recalling that we may realize it all. how is @brotherdave been a few days you did not make a post if there is a problem.
thank you for your support of my post.
want to reply to him even if not worth what you give.good post in politic mr @brotherdave
I have reblog and upvote you post brother.
I thank you very much for your support of @ismailrafael Nice to meet you @brotherdave
Greetings know the extraordinary postings you have copied about polity.
regards to know, therefore the saying goes for a good history for you in the memory forever.
This is very very touching. Thanks for the insights.