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RE: Freedom is what you have when no one is forcing their will on you...

in #freedom8 years ago

Freedom of choice is essential to living a free life, every form of currency ,even crypto, enhances or limits our choices, Governments need to be minimized, eliminating Government all together is very problematic. Security is self serving. Lack of opportunity is a lack of financial freedom, lack of choice or direction. Governments are similar to parasites, all built on slaver and stolen resources as through out all of history.Taxation started to pay for wars, to fund and support war criminals in support of a war industry that is ongoing, this is why the military industrial complex is as complex as it is and has not stopped, and many not ever stop, there is an actual military based on the Moon and Mars, then it goes to exopolitics, taxation used to finance the war effort to be used against humanity instead of benefit,wars that were funded by both sides, every where there is a Central bank, every country that does not have a Central bank is attacked, the Central bank and the Fed are the free market, there were less taxes, taxes create infrastructure, the tax burden shifted to the working class, there would be way more prosperity and less disparity. Multinationalist corporations play a huge role included with corruption. Big corporations get out of paying any tax, and any set up non profits as not to pay tax in international deals. Basic income is from the tax base, taxation is forced communism. The basic wage in itself is forced communism, people may live with less, every time a leader offers his patriarch people a gold standard of living the leaders gets snuffed out, by the ones connected to Central Authority,when did communism under the war machine ever work? this article is another step to actual solutions. American Freedom is an illusion most people in the world look to.The road to Utopia is flooded at the moment. Freedom has different meanings to different people. There is not one free human on earth, freedom itself is an illusion, a necessary one.