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RE: Look Out, America - Your Millennials Are Turning Into Actual Stalinist Commies

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

No I'm not German. I'm actually Polish and Slovak. No I'm not really being sarcastic. The 6 million number is a complete lie. They've officially changed the Auschwitz count 3 or 4 times and if Auschwitz was millions off of the actual count im sure the other camps arent too accurate, so it's not even close to 6 million. Hitler was a lot of things, but he wasn't an idiot. The gas chambers make no sense. How they were set up and the practicality of it all. On top of that it's a large waste of resources when you're fighting half the world. Just makes 0 sense.

Anyways, he was at war. They were POWs. War is ugly. Nazi POWs were treated far better than the ones held by the Japs. American treatment of Japs and blacks in that era wasn't much better either. And the whole eugenics BS started here in America. So saying hitler is any more or less evil than any other leaders at that time is pretty much ignorance imo. Germany today is absolutely pathetic. I feel bad for the people that live there. They're importing their own cultural death just like Sweden.


Haha! And Hitler wouldn't over extend either by invading Russia while he needed the troops in the West. He could have won if it wasn't for this stupid move. Hitler was a demon, and your....well something is wrong with your belief system. You believe a lie.