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RE: Freedom is what you have when no one is forcing their will on you...

in #freedom8 years ago

So to distinguish taxation that is voluntary,why do you think.

I've posted links outlining that yes you can Revoke your Election (voluntary) to pay federal income tax. Equally if you don't want to deal with any taxes, don't engage in commerce and do trade. If you don't want to be presumed to be a citizen, write in RED LETTERS over the front and back of the License RETIRED, so you don't fall into the presumption on "driving" which is a commercial activity, it's basically the same if I set up my own terms for anything from eating to shitting, and if you voluntarily engage under my terms by jumping through all the hoops I set for you, then you have consented not once, not twice but substantial times that unless you say that you don't wish to operate under my terms after going through all the hoops for "approvals" and "licenses" I can presume that all the terms I made up apply to you. When your mother signed you over as a ward of the state (she is the informant on your birth certificate, it says it right there, YOU-ARE-ABANDONED, and from then on someone consented on your behalf, vouching for the State, and when you got a Social Security you Again signed yourself over as a Ward of the State, then when you Register to Vote you did it once more, or when you got your drivers license, when you get your passport, when you file for unemployment, when you collect numerous benefits, pensions, all these things are legally binding you in ways you do not know, and that is why it hurts you and other, because without your consent none of these presumptions would exist. The biggest presumptions are those that you and the rest of the world holds, that the nature of law is to force, and that taxes are forced, when taxes contain within them, even if you claim to be Citizen (ward/slave/indentured servant of the private corporation acting as the "federal" government) there's remedy and cure for it in it's inception, because Law cannot compel performance and for they cannot violate the law of free will. Study what I have said, what I have linked and then come back and tell me why Forced Taxation is what is going on, especially in Alaska with the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline.