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RE: Freedom is what you have when no one is forcing their will on you...

in #freedom8 years ago

Which all other economic problems involved?
But more importantly why can this model not be applied to a wider range of things, you after all happily sign away your taxes to be merely Tacked onto the Credit side of an account system in effort to offset the odious debt a Private, For Profit, Mostly Foreign Run, Foreign Owned, Corporation.

And you believe that Venezuela was not caused directly because of For Profit Corporations but by pension funds of mom and pop kinda people.

The 1/100th would be a substantial amount in this small of a scope, we are talking a magnitude of difference from that, and you argue that because it's not 12000/year it's not good enough. What a moron, it's not Basic enough for mr I am too much of a coward to actually look into information that would free me from paying more than a third of my efforts to a Private Corporation, you deserve to slave away like an imbecile, you happily clamor for the title of your insolence, for your title of servitude and sub-servitude of the man child (actual idiot) you are presumed.