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RE: Freedom is what you have when no one is forcing their will on you...

in #freedom8 years ago

Are you talking about taxes in general? Every year the IRS sends me corrections to my taxes. Every year, if I do not pay those corrected amounts, they will garnish my wages to get them.

I am talking about proving simply that your taxes or anyone's taxes would go to UBI.

You first believe that your taxes go directly to something, but they are interest on a debt. It goes into an account and it cancels out debt. LOLOL. It's not funny yet it's tragic and I find it funny.

You don't have to pay Federal Income Taxes. Look into it some more, even at your job, stop presuming and start asserting yourself. Nobody is forcing you in much more than one sense, but they are most certainly in a position of monopoly when it comes to money and you should look into exactly how you can pay with debt.

There is a legal remedy for everything yet if you don't know it will hurt you, specifically the presumption that you have to. Unless you're a federal employee or claim to be a U.S. citizen you don't owe the federal anything, as you don't have a contract with them. Everything they are doing are in Good Faith, and if you find them not to be they will most certainly correct that status, I have done it in Court, in front of cops numerous times, and have been 100% successful. Assert yourself, assert your rights, stop presuming and question with very pointed efforts everything.
He who questions well, learns well. Filed Under Common Sense.

All of you "free men" are always so cocky. You think just because you supposedly beat some court issue, probably simply because you were not worth the judges time to bother with, you think everyone else should do the same? You also think because of what happened to you, it should also be the same for others?

Is that a question? Because otherwise it's nothing short of accusing me of giving advice on what I know worked for me, and I stand guilt as charged.

I was sued once in court by a thief. He used the court system against me to steal. I fought him as much as I could, but guess what? He still won. Then what happened? The courts GARNISHED MY WAGES.

And? That is unfortunate, you probably were hurt by what you didn't know. I'm sure you hardly tried to clear the presumptions, seek for a retrial and pursue the matter further which didn't help you in the end.

There was no way for me to ignore the courts as you and people like you suggest. I was going to be robbed, and that was the end of it. If I didn't pay, I would have lost my job, etc.

There are ways to ignore the presumptions, such as not speaking your name, not standing up when asked to stand up, but I was specifically talking about clearing the presumptions and in your case it was:
When you doubt, do not act.
It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.
Many men know many things, no one knows everything.
One is not present unless he understands.
It avails little to know what ought to be done, if you do not know how it is to be done.
He who questions well, learns well.
What ever is done in excess is prohibited by law.
No one is bound to give information about things he is ignorant of, but every one is bound to know that which he gives information about.
No man is bound to have foreknowledge of a Divine or a future event.
No one is bound to arm his adversary.

You're delusional. Seriously, you are out of touch with reality.

You're mistaken to the nature of Citizen, Taxes and Law.

If you don't know how to assert yourself in the face of people calling you a child you will be treated as a child.