Stream of Consciousness Rant

in #freedom5 years ago (edited)

You can have a commune in a libertarian society. You cannot have a free market in a socialist society. It is of my better judgment to support a society that will let the individual decide what they want to do for a living and to decide how they choose to provide their own means of sustenance. It is important to let the individual decide what they are going to put in their own bodies or do to their own bodies. The principle of self-ownership allows for all (almost anything) as long as you do not violate the inherent natural rights of another.

We are living in interesting times. In some respects it is better than it has ever been. But not for everyone. The laws of nature, unfortunately, are not egalitarian. In this particular instance, I am not referring to natural law (in this sentence at least.) I am saying that people cannot decide where they have been born. They cannot decide the socioeconomic climate of the nation they have been born into. Some people say everything happens for a reason. Why are children and mothers then drone bombed every day? What is the reason for this senseless carnage in the name of our people? In the name of the blood, sweat, and tears that are stolen from most of our paychecks against our will.

What is the meaning of the modern-day caste system? Out of our own will through voluntary means, this world could have been brought to a much better place by now. There are special interests still keeping vast swathes of populations in the dark in terms of the potential of their own self-empowerment. Every living being on this planet has the potential easily for self-sufficiency, health, and wellness at this juncture of our existence on this beautiful sphere. It is the career of the career politicians and dictator-types to convince us that this cannot or should not ever be so. What are their motives? The complete control and enslavement of all humankind most certainly.

Call me unpatriotic, please. Say I do not support the troops. This is true. I support the initial motives of many of the troops as the majority I feel do join for the right reasons. Because they do want to defend their country. But what is a country but another social construct based on the fallacy of the nation-state? Was “America” not just as pertinent 1000 years before 1776? Were not the initial inhabitants of America not more “American” than the Europeans that forcefully invaded and conquered the continent? I have been told my whole life that I am only supposed to ask certain questions and not others, and I don’t really fully understand why this should be.

I am not your typical right or left political player. I have realized that both the left and the right were created to enslave us. Both the left and the right are a false dichotomy. How many times do I hear tolerant liberals say something should be “illegal” simply because they do not approve of the behavior? How many times do I hear conservatives proclaim that deficits do not matter or that any sort of sordid kinetic action is patriotic regardless of the motives or goal of the illegal operation?

We were at a crossroads. We have gone too far now. The majority now gravitate towards the narrative of either the left or the right. The false left-right paradigm is still false. This did not change with the election of Donald J Trump. What did change with the election of this man is the increased INTOLERANCE of the left for people with differing opinions. What did change is that the left has chosen to censor speech with all of the power they wield through the garbage ass big tech companies such as Facebook, Youtube (Alphabet / Google), Twitter got pressured /sucked into this too, and it is really ludicrous. When this country has a Bill of Rights that allows for free speech and the companies that receive some of the biggest subsidies and tax breaks and in some instances, government backing are allowed to infringe on the said rights we are living in a totalitarian state. Not the traditionalist America you may have been raised in if you are older than 25 years of age.

I am not trying to glorify any era of American history. There have been struggles in each generation both economic and social in nature. To blindly worship America is just as ill-founded as to blindly disrespect the rights akin to natural laws that were understood by the founders of these United States, which led them to enshrine them in the document known as the Bill of Rights which was never to be altered.

So what is the solution? There is no single solution. It is not just get rid of the government or to elect the right people. At this point neither of these things will work properly if they are done with the drastic action that it seems we need. What needs to happen is an incremental understanding of the people that less control from the state is always better. Less regulation is better despite the panicked rantings of those with Trump Derangement Syndrome. A balanced budget is better despite the misled blind worship of Trump and his absurd levels of military spending. So you want a solution. Control your own life. Be responsible for your own actions in every respect that is possible. This can be the only real solution. Be an individual, but work with others to achieve your stated objectives when necessary. Only you are responsible for your own life, but it is also essential to realize that no substantial change comes from an isolated cell. It requires multiple cells to connect if you are to form a functional battery.

I can’t tell the world or our society exactly what direction they should move in. What I can tell them is that it is entirely immoral to decide the direction others will move in for them which has been happening for much too long in this world. It is time for people all across the planet to reclaim the rights that are inherent to them as living sentient beings, and it is time for them to do so without the use of force or coercion. If one must use force it must be reserved solely for instances in which self-defense is completely warranted in order to subdue the unfortunate threat of force from another. Other than this all true change must happen from within in order for it to manifest into a better world for humanity externally.

I am going to leave you here. I feel I have left you with enough to ponder for now. There will be some of all types who may be offended and there will be others who perhaps will commend me. This is of no importance now. What is important is the battle which is raging in the infinite now. The fire has been lit and is burning brightly as humanity decides to reclaim our God-given rights to determine our own destinies, our own means of sustenance, and our own right to self-defense when necessary.