Help get Adam out of jail:
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Does he have good legal representation already? I would suspect he does, but it would be nice to know for sure or not. He's been through this garbage once before, so hopefully he gets through it like the champ he is. Please let us know what happens tomorrow after he goes before a judge. We'll know better what needs to be done then.
Hope bad people like Clinton and Soros were in jail as opposed to Adam.
Hello fellow Steemian .. I'm a newbie here. Please support me by following my blogs and I will follow yours as well . Hope we can be good friends.. Please check my introductory post. Thank you love you all
seems familiar..haha
hot girl
similar with??
its not the post.. i was referring to a comment.hehe
OMG .. these voting bots are becoming too much ...
Listing of the arbitrary gang rules supposedly violated:

PG 1 is things like Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamines...
PG 2 I could find no examples,,,
PG 3 (Adam is not charged with this) listed Codeine as one...
Marijuana is listed separately and somewhere a commenter said that is not a felony in Texas, <2 oz
Oh jeez. Sounds bad.
Something about his story isn't adding up... regardless of what they actually arrested him for, I hope he makes it out ok. I'm sure he will use this arrest to his full advantage!
Ugh!!! This makes me so mad! Keep it up Adam! We are all on your side! You have my full support!
Too bad they don't take STEEM for bail.
Jail is updated too.
Has Adam not a guilt?
The real supporter of Adam.
Hmm, good that we are able to see this. Nonetheless, I cannot make up my mind who is right. Official websites seem to say something else that stacey. No clue who to believe.
Care to explain what the website says and which one is the "official"? I also don't get why he can be imprisoned without telling him why and keep him imprisoned more than one day without declaring the charges? Isn't that straight up illegal and every lawyer could destroy this case in court easily?
I would hope so. Doesn't sound very constitutional.
Nah if he really got arrested with multiple illegal drugs on his person / in the car etc then its not something that can be easily "destroyed" in court.
He has my vote already!!
what are the charges against him and does he have agood legal representstion
County Jail makes me think the arrest was by the Sheriff, is that correct? That would make it Total BS for the Sheriff to arrest Adam on fake charges! As a true constitutionalist KNOWS, the Sheriff is the only law officer mentioned and provided for in the US Constitution, and the Sheriff is also the highest authority in the County. Even the FEDS must get access for investigations in his county. I suppose Adam will be out soon, as they cannt hold him indefinitely w/o charges, at least they can't do it "legally"
This burns my a$$ Grrr....
Unfortunately there are charges:(
We all gotta entertain the possibility that he did actually have drugs on him. That seems a lot more likely than some random cops planting drugs on some guy just passing through. Those cops in his arrest video obviously didn't know who he was and the cops weren't even being dicks. I'm all for legalization and all that but if you're going to be driving through Texas with drugs, at least have your paperwork in order. God damn.
plant sounds very feasible, likely reason why they asked him to turn off the camera. the officer was walking around the rv, who know what happened after. they definitely had a lot of police around him, which in itself is very weird. I vote for a setup.
I agree that there is a lot of shadiness in the entire situation. Th fact that after 72 h they didn't present him any paperwork about his arrest shows that they are trying to come up with something to justify the unjust arrest.
Charges? Where? You have a link or just speculating?
in the video, Yoder
Ah the speculation is in the youtube video. Got it.
If there are actual charges, there will be a filing number, an appearance bond, performance bond, bid bond and bail bond (all public). Further, whoever is ledgering the charges is supposed to have an affidavit of obligation from the damaged party (which they don't have because if Adam, then there is no damaged party) and also the fiduciary is supposed to have a liability insurance policy to cover Adam's damages if the charges are vexatious. If someone got a copy of those numbers (especially the liability policy of the citing officer) you may be surprised how often they no longer want to proceed.
As a presidential candidate, he may have more luck than I ever did. I don't know about in Texas though.
I hope it is a speculation, I’ve been following Adam since dr Paul’s campaign, but the call sounds legit to me, there is also one more video on YouTube from another guy that called the county jail. I hope I misunderstood something.
1.19 starts the call to the jail
Yup, I think a felony CONVICTION disqualifies him for office. Bet they are looking for a guilty PLEA to reduced charges. Hopefully these are Preliminary Charges and his lawyer can whittle on that right away. What else in is the works?
PS: Thanks for the updates...
I believe it might be a setup. Even I know that you shouldn’t carry drugs(not even weed which I don’t consider a drug) in Texas and btw I live on the other side of the globe . Hope his lawyers can clean this mess up and that he wasn’t so naive to have had some with him. If you want to make a change and that change requires you stop smoking for some time, you should stop smoking for the greater good.
Absolutely, although it doesn't disqualify him, and as far as setup goes, it's very probable.
It actually doesn't disqualify you at all. Felons are able to be president as stupid as that sounds.
Article 2, section 1:
" No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
22nd Amendment:
" No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."
Great Points Captain! I'm sure the media would try and amplify any arrest, and charges, to make it sound like Adam was a criminal. If he gains the traction of actually having a demonstrable following. I'm sure it will be measurable, but I mean 'provable' to the media talking heads. We all know how they tried to minimize Trump's support, and that backfired horribly :D
Most sheriffs are bought and paid for politicians. They are not much different from a county or city (corporate) chief of police. I used to have a lot of faith in them, but personal experience has taught me to not.
She is lying in the video saying contraband was not found. Charges are real.
TAMPER/FABRICATE - felony: 2-10yrs; <$10,000
PG 1 >=1G<4G - felony: 2-10yrs; <$10,000
PG 2 >= 4G<400G - felony: 2-20yrs; <$10,000
MARIJ < 2OZ - Class B misdemeanor
Intersting to see how this turns out. They say no contraband but charges for contraband.
Interestingly the link your provided gives an error now.
You have to click Jail Records and search by name. The direct link redirects to the homepage on their terribly coded site. Either way the record is still there.
Surety bond adds up to $21,500 on those charges, not $88K, as Adam claimed in his recorded message from jail two days ago. Am I reading it correctly?
It was $88k at the time I made the original post (I didn't screencap unfortunately, but others here have). It has since been updated/reduced to $21.5 since he had a hearing.
Not enough information here to make a judgement. I am suspicious of the idea that you can give money and support to the correct politician who will make you free. If you want to be free you are going to have to find it in your own heart.
Wants to run for President. Put in the slammer. Whhaaaat a country...
Just like the 3rd world nation we are. America is an oligarchy wrapped in a republic wrapped in a democratic disguise.
such a bunch of bullshit......wish I could do more but right now I can't...... hope he gets out and those cops get hung out to dry......
Wise County Texas is notorious for pulling people over and even more notorius for throwing them in jail when they cock up. Hopefully there is video footage of the arrests, even more, hopefully the footage from the dash cams have been released. That will show if he maintained a good behavior while they accosted him.
When going through anywhere in the State of Texas, don't even use the 5 mph "safety net" as there is no such thing and you don't know when someone police or DPS department has instituted an illegal quota system. Instead driver no more than 2 mph above or below the posted limit.
Make sure you stickers are up to date, tires are good, etc, use those turn signals. use your phone on speaker mode, etc.
Then as finnian says make sure you get good legal counsel. if he's innocent I don't see why he's still in jail. The only reason I can see him being in there this long is that they think the have a felony offense case in which case they can hold him for up to 3 months until the Grand Jury meets to decide if they should prosecute or not.
Have they read him rights yet?
Has he been indicted?
In Texas you have 72 hours to receive an indictment, the initial official charge of what they think you have done. If has not you need to find him a lawyer asap to represent him to get out. Cash in on those Steem dollars you're accruing. I'm sure you can get a lawyer to get him out.
I watched the video of his live-stream and I can understand why Adam might have been pulled over because of the plates on his vehicle and the speeding thing.
I can also see how the second cop that pulled him over might have viewed Adam as being "difficult", as cops tend to like it more when people are fully complicit with their requests. They tend to be annoyed with people who know their rights and hold them to them.
Making it a long drawn out process, as he did by bringing in a sniffer dog I think is kind of his way of saying "I can be difficult too", but the actual arrest is pretty damn bizarre. Unless there's other information we haven't seen yet, it look like a case of authoritarianism at its worst.
Whenever I see stuff like this happen, the first thing I think is "I hope the pupper is ok!" Poor little guy. :'(
poor adam is fucked. he is not going to get out of this .. he will be locked up till after the 2018 election. the problem with treating your RV like its home is when your in a weed legal state they dont care what your rv smells like . but in texas its a reason to search your RV. And when you have other real drugs on you like adam did Well , your up shits creek. what's the rule to be learned? ... dont bring drugs in your RV openly smoke pot in the RV and Expect your not going to jail. when they pull you over...
libertarians are idiots. the movement is like 10 years old and has been dying ever since. this world is no place for a bunch of tiny governments trying to compete on the world stage.
Its always the 5second idiots. do 5 seconds of research that benefits their original idea, validate, validate...
Thanks for the Video 👍
Nice very good
Very nice. freedom news activism anarchy dtube post
Don't now what the charges are? How is that? Isn't it kind of hard to be booked, without a charge? kind of hard to get bail if you don't know what the charge is. Drama is starting to look like TV reality show.
does commenting here makes any difference???
we always support freedom!
Supporting the freedom
Thanks for the update!
Oh wow!
State free is the way to be!
Death to the state! 100% upvoted & re$teemed!
Thank you for the update Stacey, you are awesome. Glad to know that Adam has a wonderful support system in you. Keep us posted, looks like it has begun. Sending love.
I watched the video thanks
Good, vido.
When he gets out you should tell him to hold onto his steem dollars and convert his steem into dollars. #scam
When did this happen? It all seems a bit sketchy... Hopefully he's out of there soon.
a little bit questionable? ... it's quite obvious I think. praying for him.
fighting the good fight.
thank you for the update
Good to pray.
Was that the same cop in both videos (the one for the speeding ticket and the one for the arrest)? It looked like it.
I think Adam now is getting much support
lamento la situacion
wow this is crazy hope he gets justice
You're making soo much money off of this.
Hope the dog is okay as well
I am so sorry to hear this
Wants to run for President but police corruption puts him in jail. America is sounding more and more like Russia everyday.
no one gives a crap about him running for President, sad part is, they do this all the time for no reason other than they can.
What are the charges?