Adam VS Peter Joseph of Zeitgeist

in #freedom7 years ago

Everything that was needed to be said between Peter Joseph and a libertarian.

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This dude can talk all day, but I don't care. I do not consent.

What is the purpose of a Zeitgeist Movement?

Socialism with robots.... wait, someone already said that.

They propose an economy where you are not paid in money, but you are apportioned a percentage of the materials mined. The materials will be apportioned by a computer, thus eliminating the greed and corruption inherent when "people" do it. (but have never answered for the people who program the computers)

They also have lots of great ideas... that rely on star trek technology. They say the future is bright because people have free energy devices, that they share with the less fortunate.
And, an even more impossible task, they say they are going to plot out all the resources in the world (and still in the ground) in order to apportion them appropriately. (which will never happen)

So, the Zeitgeist Movement is a utopian vision that allows for socialism to correctly control everything.

Socialism with robots.

Thank you so much@writewords. Lots of love.

And sex with robots.

or using technology to free mankind from labor

Peter Joseph makes some fantastic insightful insertions in this debate of pointing out the flaws in our present system, but I think Adam nails it at the end when they start discussing the implementation of the computer exct.. I have to side with Adams ideology in that evolution and natural progress will be the more effective tool than Peter's techno-communilism.

Peter Joseph says a lot without saying anything at all.
As a visionary I believe that Peter Joseph is offering an amazingly well put together solution and seems it seems that is the way forward that is going to help mankind in the future, along with other like minded movements and organisations, as the ‘cataclysm’ that is becoming more of a reality and less of a science fiction based prediction seems to be getting uncomfortably closer… I loved the first Zeitgeist movie and I was very pleased to see that @adamkokesh has managed to get a rare and special interview with the guy . Bring more visionaries and those that are working towards the common good of humanity… and so much more besides.

Thanks for bringing on Peter Joseph. I had always wanted to get more insight into the message he portrayed in the movie series Zeitegeist which I believe brought into light the conspiracies going on around the globe.. particularly the 2nd part of the series which featured the 9/11 attacks.
America indeed is not the nation the government tries to make of it.
The government of America always gets away with all the attrocities it commits. They always to do everything in their power to get what they want and it doesn't matter whether it's through unjust means. They try to suppress the people that come up and get in their way, this we've witnessed with all the people that are subjected to ill treatment.. many getting jailed. Inciting fear to stop people from raising their voice against the injustice from the government.
We should continue the fight for freedom... It doesn't matter where you are located. We need to uphold liberty which will be key in getting all of us from the injustice the government is impacting on us. As long us we are together in this fight, any ill treatment will be an inspiration to continue the fight for freedom.

Another over educated idiot that hasn't a clue of who we are let alone where we are going. The trouble with socialism is it always looks good on paper. History proves that it just don't work in the real world without oppressing the masses. We just have to look at our own history. Yes the pilgrams tried socialism and damn near died out the first winter until the Indians helped them out

Hello @adamlokes
freedom is everything that makes us human...we are no different from animals when freedom isn't there

I agree with a lot of what Peter says, but I feel that his vision is not possible to implement in the world of today. This inherent need for humans to gain unfair advantage over others (some call it power), will always be there. It can't be eliminated. However, it can be reduced and controlled. I am going to probably get a lot of hate, but if objectively analyzed USSR had it very close. Corruption was almost eliminated. And small instances of corruption that did manifest were negligible. It is hard to get ultimate power where not only the system doesn't permit it, but also society is built on the principle of it not existing. Results were pretty amazing, but of course in the West are greatly underplayed. USSR successfully removed if not completely eliminated: crime, greed, unemployment, illiteracy, many health issues, racism, feminism, and much more. Many former USSR citizen miss certainty for the future that they lost after USSR collapsed. In USSR, each citizen was guaranteed to have access to education/healthcare/childcare/employment for free. Corruption on the level we see it in USA is possible, because the system not only allows it, but it encourages it.

You are posting really a good content appreciated post
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Great Post. I like it

I believe Libertarianism is the best political system we can construct, because it's the only system that actually acknowledges, and accepts, human nature, and basic reality, rather than being based on some whacked out idea that we cud construct a perfect society by just passing enough laws, or by beating everybody over the head to adopt some screwball religious should be valid till they aren't violating anyone else's rights...
Otherwise it is dawn perfect..

I explained steemit to my libertarian leaning gf and her first response was upvoting yourself on steemit is like crony capitalism.

Good post, let me resteem, visit my blog. Thank you, happy to work.

freedom is everything that makes us human...we are no different from animals when freedom isnt there

hopefully we can see the purpose of these relationship

Hey @adamkokesh , great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work!
It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

"Why is the United States the most violent country on the face of the earth?" I'm not sure exactly how Peter is defining "most violent" but if he's talking about how the domestic population interacts with one another, it's decidedly not the most violent place in the world today. It's not even the most violent first world nation. I guess one could say that our violence is more extreme, but also rarer than most other places. In other words, when we commit to fighting, as a society, we mean business, and the results speak for themselves.

It's also important to note that from a historical perspective that with the advent of more open and free markets, it is coincident that the amount of violence overall in the world has precipitously declined, life expectancy has more than doubled pretty much everywhere on the planet, we have fewer wars, more food, better shelter and other quality of life items.

If you're interested in a more optimistic view of all of this, follow Steven Pinker. He has some not-so-nice things to say about yours truly and the extreme views we libertarians hold, but he's worth listening to because he provides an analytical perspective of the world and the trends we're witnessing that's decidedly optimistic and positive. His assertions are data-based, and they refute the basis of Peter's argument that change won't happen without fundamental changes away from market-driven competitive psychology. These qualities in our society are what make the world better than it used to be, not the other way around.

Sir you are so cute

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Beautiful post , thanks for sharing.

your struggle is really cool in freeing the usa from federal trappings I really like your struggle through your book your video and others I will support in every moment you do

untuk membebaskan umat manusia dari persalinan!
Sosialisme dengan robot.

Hello, Adam! Has your book ever been translated into Russian?