Governments have always had an incentive to warp young minds to serve their purposes. With the rise of complex societies, governments had the means to force children into classrooms in what is sometimes referred to as “cemetery seating.” It is an appropriate term, because coercive education kills a part of every child’s vibrant individuality. In the industrial age, governments needed obedient workers with a specific set of skills. Forced education indoctrinates children with government values. It is much easier to convince young people to join the military and kill strangers if they have been “taught” that this is glorious. Governments also benefit from being able to keep certain knowledge away from students.
When governments control education, people become more dependent on institutional jobs because they are less capable of living independently. A government that controls education will never teach us to stand up for our rights. A government that is responsible for the development of young minds will teach them what to think, not how to think. A government that can control what we know, and what we don’t know, can control what we do. Government schools will never teach an alternative to blind allegiance. The consequences of government education are far-reaching, profound, and compounded with each generation.
While government control over schools (whether by regulation or complete takeover) always hinders learning, it is important to see education as a much broader concept. Like a flower growing through a crack in a sidewalk, even someone whose schooling is thoroughly controlled cannot be prevented from flourishing. Especially now, with greater access to the internet, children are capable of educating themselves. In many places, parents are in a continuous revolt against forced education. Most want what is best for their children and seek alternatives like homeschooling, private schools, and various forms of self-guided learning. Parents who care too much to trust their children’s minds to government and children who learn more online than from the mental prisons of forced “education” are exploring such alternatives like never before. Young minds absorb information much better by the indulgence of their curiosities and stimulation of their passions than by force.
Chapter 7 Section I From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh

I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.
Very well written, Adam! You mentioned in the post that joining the military has been glorified. This is true, it's almost like "hero worship", but in reality, it's far from the truth, going out killing strangers for oil and the mighty petro dollar isn't something that any one should be proud of, especially consider how many of these wars, military interventions were started by the U.S. in the first place, often times by utilizing false flags, and military PSYOPS to garner in the people's advocacy towards war on foreign soil. Mandatory "education" is also wrong, in my opinion because the schools are teaching indoctrination and brainwashing instead of the true history of events.
Hmmmm. Nice post, keep the steem burning
Sounds pretty bad, but at least you'll be our Not-President in 2020. Got faith in you man.
thats a great concept my dear..carry on your activity..best of luck..
The best teachers are parents. Unfortunately each one has two jobs and they let YouTube baby set. What is the way out! corporations control government. and parents are too busy. May be don't have kids and every one go down. Fu*k it
Thankfully though, a select few people can beat the system and become the innovators of the next generation even with poor education. Heck the internet provides limitless education for those who did not get a proper education.
Nice post, keep it up.
Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.
So you think privately owned schools do a better job at teaching children than government owned schools?
I think different models of education would be better, like unschooling and deschooling, and then new models that would be created in the absence of the state model. Many private school use religions to display the same type of control the state does.
Sure these are good ideas, but what are poor people who cannot afford school and who have parents that are unable to educate them via homeschooling supposed to do in the absence of the state model?
Average cost per homeschooled student per year: about $900.00.
Average cost of brick and mortar "traditionally schooled" student: about $11,000.00 per year.
Not everybody can or should homeschool. Hell, not everybody should have kids, but they still do.
There has never been a time in the history of the world where informtion and education opportunities are so accessable.
So I know we can do better, much better than state, institutionalized "education."
Yes, you are correct it is more expensive, the reason is people were paid to build the school, teachers/staff are paid to work in the school, people are paid to provide food for the students, etc... depending on the size of the school there are hundreds of jobs created at every school all paid for with tax dollars. And as soon as those people get paid they go out and spend that money back into the economy. So by eliminating traditional state owned schools you would basically eliminate all these jobs.
But, what is the alternative, what are poor people who cannot afford school and who have parents that are unable to educate them via homeschooling supposed to do in the absence of the state model?
By eliminating the traditional state model of schooling you are basically excluding an entire socioeconomic group of people who would have no access to education because they would not be able to afford it, which is approximately 15 million American children today (who live in poverty).
We dont need extortion (taxation) to provide education to the nation's or the worlds poor.
All of the jobs created by having state funded schools would not vanish, simply because state schools would be replaced by alterntives.
Private sector ventures have proven repeatedly that they will and do outperform state funded schools.
This has been demonstrated across the board even in countries where the average daily income is less than most (impoverished) americans are willing to spend on a cup of coffee.
Money spent on "education" in the US has risen steady for the last 50 years or so while performance has dropped steadily. Throwing $$ at teachers and institutions hasn't worked.
So I'm glad you asked what alternatives there may be for those who can't afford elite private schools.
Rememeber that in US public schools were created to mold generations of factory workers and a homogeneous citizenry around the time of the industrial revolution.
Give the audio a quick listen.
Also check out the work of John Taylor Gatto on this subject.
Unfortunately most of the jobs would vanish, sure some would move to the private sector but most likely for less pay, simply because all the money that pays the salaries of the people who work at state schools comes from tax money. If that tax money is no longer collected the money to pay all those salaries has to come from another source.
In a private school that money has to come from students/parents who pay to attend the school. A private school can only exist if it is earning revenue and profits, and it can only earn when it has paying customers. If it is not earning enough it has to hire fewer people and lower wages.
In a state owned school you dont have this problem, they dont care about revenue/profits all they care about is teaching kids. They get their tax dollars they pay their staff with those tax dollars, their staff pays part of that money right back to the government in income tax and the other part gets spent into the economy by the Americans who work at these schools.
What you and your video are describing here are basically socioeconomic segregation where you would have private schools for the rich, middle class, the poor and of course some would not be able to attend any type of school because of poverty (to some extent this is already happening in the USA but would get much worse if there were no tax funded schools at all).
Sure I don't agree with some things that are taught in public/private schools nor how they are taught, but at least today every child in the USA can attend a public school and get some sort of education no matter what level of the economic ladder they are on. This would not be possible in an only for profit private system where schools could choose what children they want and dont want to accept. If you dont like how the public school system works the answer is not to shut it down but change it, run for office and change the system, thats how democracy works.
Might I suggest not center-justifying all the text? it's a bit more difficult to read this way.
thank you very much my dear when create your new blog???
i saw this post and i liked your post
Hmm nice post keep it up.
1984 is very real.