I used to be a fan of Steven Crowder ...

in #freedom7 years ago

Yeah. Then I saw him respond to a real intellectual challenge in person.

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(libertarian channel? ok. I'm gonna pretend you didn't answer me when I storm off in a few minutes)

I love how when you catch him not able to explain himself he's like "you don't know what the role of the federal government is do you??"

As tho that would necessarily justify it? Might makes right? It's funny how statists do that, they default to thinking "the way things are" means anything in a theoretical discussion.

Great job holding his feet to the fire. Riveting entertainment. 😁

Cannabis HEALS CANCER!! Crowder is still a naive young man, I suppose. Everyone should go through a THC saturation phase to experience the HARMLESS, creativity enhancing, live enriching qualities of Marijuana. It's biologically companionable to human kind! Some guys just don't understand the dreams a shaman brings back for them..

Look, I think weed should be legal as much as the last ancap, but don't go claiming that weed cures cancer. Helps? Of course. Cure? No.

Sad day for Steve. I have a feeling it's going to be QUIETER with Crowder now.

Dude. This is a video from 4 years ago that got 1k likes vs 4k dislikes. Crowder explained his opinion, what else should have he said? Most comments there are in favor of Crowder, You may read those, I agree with some.

Yeah this guy is a paid shill. Like he's basically paid to push "Democrats always wrong! Republicans always right!" Fuck Steven Crowder.

He's like the new Young Turks dude for the Right.

Now that I agree with

yep. Millenial being groomed to be another Rush Limbaugh.

rush is amazing!

oh? How so? I gather you love the false dichotomy left/right paradigm. What is so amazing about that bloated GOP mouthpiece?

It's amazing that the old dinosaur has stayed alive this long, let alone on the air with any listeners at all.

(((counterfeit currency))) can pretty much buy what the talmudThumpers desire.

he's right like 99% of the time, and schools libtards like you all day long

and if you had any bit of common sense, you wouldn't be talking like that. How can you gather anything about me lol?!!

He came into the interview thinking he was going to get attacked on his stances and that's how he felt leaving the interview as well. I think he got a lot of heat for what he was saying about Canabis. It seems like he still hasn't really made up his mind on it. Or he won't really defend his position. Seems sort of like cognitive dissonance. He felt like he was being attacked but Kokesh was only asking calm peaceful questions. He doesn't really know what a libertarian is either.

you think :p lolz , ignorance can be shameful to the ones who don't know but tend to think that they know everything and then they come to the painful conclusion that they don't know shit :)

come on dude. You got owned

by a rude person lol

Whats with Crowders 1950s dads sweater? goes well with the reefer madness.

Great video Adam, fan of Crowder but he says some illogical shit time to time. Conservatives..

You did kind of ambush him, maybe ask for the interview with out the camera rolling, i personally like crowder, not a big fan of his marijuana stance but not everyone agrees with everyone on everything

yeah. Expecting that someone fully agrees with all your ideas is insane. Crowder is pretty bad about marijuana, but his answers during the interview were pretty decent. He didn't claim to be a doctor. And the role of government he described is actually pretty much libertarian. It's sad he thinks the "hockey referee" should penalise players that smoke on their own time.

Maybe You will have a chance during his "Change my mind" series or arrange a proper interview with prior notice instead of stopping him in between of something and photos with fans and expecting his 100% of attention on You,
. I think he explained his view on Marijuana pretty clearly. As of role of government, he explained this as well (by referee analogy) and going into details would require far more time than 6 minutes, especially that You have differing opinions there. He seems like he didn't have time nor desire for that and I don't blame him. I'm sure that'd have been different if You arranged an interview in advance.

What's Your take on usage of another substances, Adam? Prescription drugs, hard street drugs, alcohol? Should they all be unregulated, or would You set a regulation in a form of excise? If not, consumption would increase for sure (price-demand relation). I'm pretty sure if vodka or whisky costed a dollar or so per bottle, there'd be quite some more alcoholics and acts of crime under the influence. I don't like high taxes nor government deciding what's good for me, but removing some regulations would have not only positive consequences, but also negative ones. They both should be accounted for.

I was never a fan of Crowder although did not know of him during my social conservative days. To me he is an unfunny right wing statist that tries to shock people with right wing ideas mixed with politically incorrect language. He is just an authoritarian who thinks he's edgy or funny.

He doesn't know how to think, or to question the programming that all of us have been through. He just knows how to be loud, which doesn't make him correct!

What a coward and a tool.... Weed is less harmless than water.. You can drink too much water and die and people do it all the time.. You CAN'T smoke too much weed and nobody 's died from it ever... This guy is really disingenuous, thanks for exposing this weakling..

Have You watched the opinion of that doctor? The fact noone has ever died from THC doesn't mean it has no negative effects on the brain, does it? If You have any scientific rebuttal of the doctor, please share.

I said its less harmless than water meaning that I at least think it can be somewhat potentially harmful. The fact no one's ever died from it doesn't mean it doesn't have any negative effects on the brain, so in what way am I saying that? Why would I listen to a doctor who is going to highlight some minor risks when there are many superior medicinal/therapeutic applications/interventions over expensive toxic synthetic patented prescription/otc FDA sanctioned chemicals ! I trust God over man, meaning nature over science... You can die from a pound of salt, so should we make it illegal? The globalists want weed illegal because they want people zonked out on meds, beer and cigs, it threatens their profits and their control over the population... Weed makes you introspective and question authority.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4543605/ Here's an article on 'The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis'.

Well... we consume water everyday and that's essential for survival, while daily consumption of MJ is not for everyone. I've watched a BBC docummentary about mental issues, which had a section about THC and it's potential to induce psychosis in some low percentage of users. That's an exception, but there are general long term effects too. I'm rather skeptical about some, e.g. that about decline in IQ I saw here, but so I am about claims that MJ cures cancer. Maybe it does, but it requires far more research and positive peer reviews. Not the first and not the last time when there are sensational news about wonderful cures that after time prove to be not working or harmful. That said, I think ganja has big potential in medicine, e.g. in alleviation of seizures, but I'm not so sure about treating cancer.

I haven't done much research as I wouldn't call myself a ganja user (I tried it few times, for recreacional, not medicinal reasons), although I don't think water is an adequate comparison. More so would be, imho:

  • sugar as some scientist alarm about harmful effects of high intake of it, including allegedly negative effects on brain (while others disagree)
  • or porn. I haven't done much research on it's effects either, but I found BPS's video "MGTOW and the CANCER of Porn on Society" interesting and he linked to a post where he references what the video is based on. I don't think anyone has ever died from a daily fap, but it's not w/o some adverse effects.

Am I a coward or a tool for commenting like that?

No, you're not a coward or a tool. But for sure you're missing the point. The original question was 'is weed as or more dangerous than alcohol'. And it's a simple 'fuck no'... lol..

I think we can agree on that ;)

Thanks, man, I appreciate your honesty.. I think we can also agree on the more important philosophical idea that Adam was trying to reach for, which is that it's not up to any body or person (government, businesses ie) to decide what an individual consumes... And that's what the big picture is, the realization that the war on drugs has failed and is a racket... or it's only doing what it was intended to do: erode our freedoms?!

the super news and the most important vedio dtube@adamkokesh thanks for post

Wow look good thank for sharing

Satists hate libertarians. Statists hate anything they can't control. It's time for libertarians to simply LGTOW. You heard of MGTOW? Libertarians Going Their Own Way. We have got to build on what Anarchopulco and AnarchoForko founders started. We are wasting too much energy on arrogant closed minds and paid stooges, parasites and controlFreaks. We just need to go about our business 52 weeks a year, not just 1. If anyone wants to convince a statist of the propriety of self-ownership, lead them to "Freedom!" and let that do the talking. Tell them to at least give this until the 8:05 mark.....

I look forward to the near future where I can tell someone... "When you are done with the book, come visit us in ___________________. Let us show you what we mean. Talk is cheap."

Who in the EFF is Steven Crowder?!

He is a funny guy. Political commentator/jester with conservative views. One of my favorite youtube channels, a bit bigger channel than Adam's.

Your new bestie!

hahaha saw that to was funny, but to be honest , I thanked the same thing "Who in the EFF is Steven Crowder?!"

Lol what I like about him is that he makes sjw's little commie heads explode using logic

Wow hes brainwashed. And rapped up in his apparent fame an lapping up peoples praise for him! 💯🐒

and he always acts like this, when someone challenges him with a good argument. and his piece on "waterboarding is not that bad actually!" told you everything you needed to know.

warmongering statist, next.

Have you considered what type of impact the dissolution of the US government would have on the global economy, currency markets, and how the federal reserve would have to react with such a drastic move? If so, what are your predictions and how are you preparing for that? Also, what happens to those on government aid with your intentional dissolution of the US government?

Crowder has always been a ridiculous ideologue. I mean, I get it. I don't want people ambush interviewing me either and sure, he could have taken it that way... Crowder's a smart dude. He knows what he knows and he's good at defending his positions, but he's about as open-minded as member of the Westboro Baptist Church. Granted... not as toxic, but equally closed minded. He's not interested in people, he's interested in arguments and taking positions... Really enjoyed the clip. You definitely out dressed him. Guess Crowder's mom told him to go for the Rick Santorum look that morning. lmao.

I stopped crowder a few yrs ago. Dude can't acknowledge the bigger picture of the current, corrupt gov.

I must say point made and thanks for the share , but I also have to say "Who in the EFF is Steven Crowder?!"

Been watching Crowder for a year. Just came across Adam last week. So far liking them both and will continue to watch both. However I do feel like both interviewer and interviewee we're in the wrong.

Bit disappointed by Crowder. I didn't understand why "the angle" mattered. It was an interview for a YouTube channel Crowder got told. The attitude and tone Crowder use was uncalled for. His body language and coming back like a boomerang to control the camera was very childish.

Adam created a bad situation when he came in and interrupted ongoing conversation taking center of attention. That was bad judgement on Adams part. He could have caught Crowder at a better time without coming across as an ass from the word go.

Now I'd be ticked to def if the 2 of them would have a interview with each other when they have the time to give each other undivided attention. 2 interviews each on their own show. Perhaps that would make a difference. The both of them appear to be great men. But this video only shows me a Crowder man child and a Adam the ass. A good conversation between them would really help the both of them out at this point.

Crowder is a bit ridiculous when it comes to weed, but overall he seems like a pretty smart guy. This wasn't even close to a "real intellectual challenge".