#389 - ADAM VS THE MAN: How To Properly Shut Down The Government (Call Flood Info Included)

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Official Call to Action For Adam Kokesh!

(If you are on Steemit, please click the image to watch the video!)

It’s call flood time! Adam’s attorneys have filed a Writ of Habeas Corpus and we want to encourage the District Attorney to, “Grant the Writ!”

Starting at 9am CST we are requesting that everyone call the District Attorney’s office at

940-627-5257 and demand that they “Grant the Writ!” for Adam Kokesh.

If last week was any indication, they will likely say you have the wrong number, or that they haven’t received a Writ of Habeas Corpus, or who knows what else. Don’t let it stop you. “Grant the Writ!” will be our battle cry for the next few days.

Adam is standing on the front lines of the battlefield right now. Let’s make some noise! Tell the DA to “Grant the Writ!”

Libertas Perfundet Omnia Luce,

Ben Farmer
Chief Strategist

▶️ DTube

But really does it work?


Please call everyone!

Yes please do!

GRANT THE WRIT!!!! I will resteem. Good luck with this guys....this is exactly the action all people should be taking. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

Thank you so much, please be sure to call tomorrow!

Please be sure to visit my blog. I am new here but I have reached one American already....please look at APPEAL. It might interest you to know that Adam has support from all over the world :)

keep on keeping on in your struggle sir, alute continua, victory asate.

a similar situation is on going now in Nigeria, and those trying to fight for their right are labeled terrorist group.
keep on the struggle, victory will come.

@arinzechukwu from Nigeria.

Thank you so much, please be sure to call tomorrow!

Free in choose to opinion,but individual have a choose.
Good luck and have a succes.
#upvote me

Nice post.

Grant the Writ! #waytofreedom
I support you @adamkokesh

Thank you!


So is the writ going to be to produce the drugs he was alleged to have?

Nah, provoking the prosecutor though usually ends with the old saying "if you play with fire you will get burned".

Wouldn't it be up to the judge to rule on the writ?

Yup, evidently he's willing to take the risk of getting burned by the same flame twice.

Grant the Writ or bust!

Thank you!!

“Grant the Writ! we support you and always with you adamkokesh !

Thank you so much, please be sure to call tomorrow!

yaah we are with you!

As a Dutchman I had to look up what 'writ' meant, but... GRANT THE WRIT!


I just resteemed

just called! looking forward to the other callers helping out

this person (Adam ) diserves an award

Grant the writ
Love free or die trying

I really don't know who this person is but, wow he's got a lot of influence on the general population here. You have my support also.


This is a big moment in time, let us make sure it changes the course of history for the good of humanity. I love you all for all the work you are doing. We can do this.

I would like to know more about these statements that Larken Rose have made about Adam. I know and understand that Adam was uncomfortable talking about this, but can anyone provide a link to these statements? I like a lot of the things that Larken talks about and I would think that these two guys would be on the same team fighting for similar causes.

@adamkokesh - Don't worry, we'll get you out. Centralization of power has created a monster, but cryptocurrency is about to drain their swamp. They will continue to try to dupe us into believing that we need them to stop terrorism. Precisely the opposite is true. They've had decades to prove themselves, but the more power they get, the worse terror becomes.

When we getting him out? don't worry should make him feel better? Does it MAKE YOU FEEL better ACTING like YOU GIVE a FUCK. I will pay YOUR airfare IF YOU COME WITH ME for week(we need at least 100 more don't worry not just you and me ahah) . NOW , THAT would MAKE me BELIEVE you and ALL the OTHER POSERS HERE ARE NOT GOING to LET your BROTHER ROT in a PRISION.

Can you IMAGINE if THIS WAS your DAD or worse YOUR MOM or SISTER, "Hey MOM ! Don't worry we'll get you out!" Mom says: when?, I don't like it here! YOU "Let me post on steemit and I'll LET YOU KNOW!

Seriously , this is what is happening- WHAT A BINCH OF PUSSIES I LIVE WITH FUCK THIS.

Dude I love your passion. You are pissed and rightly so. I hope that you are able to round up your posse. It just might work. A show of force can be very effective. Just please be careful. They are looking for excuses to declare martial law. I don't believe that enough of the populace is awake yet, to not fall the the media spin that would inevitable come if an "armed mob" showed up. I think the most beneficial option would be to show up with a small army of live-streaming cameras. Then they can't effectively spin it. If the truth is mass streamed to the world. It will force them to be restrained and rational or else they would publicly expose themselves as the tyrannical abusers of liberty that they are.

I take it you would not be interested in flying me in from New Zealand would you? For the same cost you could prob get 15-20 other people from around the states.

I am so tempted but I don't have that kind of money but the offer almost made me cry. I am so tired of suffering, thinking of Adam in there for doing nothing separated from his dog in the NAME OF JUSTICE??? I am NOT going ALONE , they just pick you apart.

I was ready to be HATED for what I am saying but hearing you is killing me cause I am ready to give up.

Exactly what you said, I would swarm them with camara's and ANGRY FUCKIN people who ARE NOT ASKING ! Maybe I am just naive. I hope I get to bey them, I bet Adam wouldn't mind a bunch of people.. Thanks for your thoughts.

That seems to be the problem with the freedom movement right? We have leaders in the movement that wind up alone and then jailed. Then there is no one to help get them out. No overwhelming crowds to stand against the tyranny. We have no real organization like the dems or gays or republican party. Its getting someone super zealous over words then they wind up sacrificing themselves to find no real support. How can we change this? Where is our massive crowds of supporters standing unified in the streets causing an undeniable stir. It only takes 1 percent of the population to make significant changes. Where is our 1percent and why arent we coming together consistently forcing that change we desire?

Correct @raimoe.
A stubborn minority due to asymmetry wins in the end if at least a few percent of the population and organized. A well known fact.

If I could remain calm I would say EXACTLY what you said. I have a plane ticket for you sir if we can get 9 more 10 of us could be a start...

You ever want a resteem of your own post just let me know, I LOVE YOU.

You never know who you're dealing with on the other side of the keyboard and what they're doing behind the scenes, so quit making assumptions. Encouragement is what Adam needs right now, not some whining.

As for what Adam is going through, I know full well because I've been there myself. To me, you seem like the poser, the fake tough guy. Does it make you feel good using all caps?

Take a good look in the mirror. What I see is a withering emotionally compromised soul lashing out in pain. It's OK to be that sometimes because there are times when we all are, but you're wasting your time passing judgement on others when you should be doing that on yourself.

FUCK YOU. I pay for YOUR TICKET to come with me. I do not CARE 1 FUCKING IOTA what you THINK of me. I just WANT Adam Out, AND I WANT TO DO IT THE RIGHT WAY. I AM NO FUCKIN SLAVE anymore, I WILL NOT BEND TO SCUM, but I cannot do it ALONE, or I END up LIKE Adam in JAIL with people LIKE YOU who will say "oh David we care , we care SOOOOOO MUCH that we hope you get out soon, oh and I called the PIGS at the station and they hung up on me so I "helped you" aand can feel GOOD ABOUT MYSELF!" WHY don't YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR cause YOU and all the OTHERS HAVE DONE NOTHING!

I do what I can do, which admittedly isn't much. But I didn't do it to feel good about myself. That kind of consideration is long since irrelevant once you get to be my age with my health problems. The reality is that medical issues have made me a slave unable to do what you want.

Now do you feel better?

LOOK INTO DISTILLED water. I am on a 40 day water fast myself. Someone here recommended I look into Urine Therapy and now I drink my piss too. You take me the wrong way, I LOVE people, I just cannot stand watching sheep stand by talking as if that is action. It is not in my eyes. Nothing has changed in YEARS of the way police ACT illegally since Adam has been doing this(he has woke lots up so not true).

I am unaffected by excuses for not standing up to these scum, and I am just as bad tyoping here on my couch lol. strange flat earth.
look into distilled water andrew webber PEACE


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To, @adamkokeshIMG_20180112_010615.jpg

I can't imagine this is happening in a place like the US. What's wrong with these people? Is there no one who can bring these people to justice?

I hope to see you free soon. It disturbs me greatly to see the these heavy handed infringements on individuals liberty. I wish Adam success in his political aspirations. We need good people to shake things up from within the system. The Fed needs to be reigned in. I only hope that enough people are waking to the mass deceptions that surround us, and the illusion of choice that is the two party system. #FreeAdam

Great idea year....

I appreciate that you and your followers are one of the genuine contributors . And i need your support by re-steeming something that's the need of the hour.

Sungguh mengesankan postingan anda saya sangat senang membacanya mulai sekarang mengikuti anda follow

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I Like this!

Calling cards are effective.

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I support you continue so you will achieve with the effort you take you can see that you will achieve the goal

A hug for you from Venezuela

Awesome what your doing Adam and greatly appreciated. My spirit is with you the whole way.
Wholeness brother

PLEASE stop. CALLS will DO NOTHING . Either we TAKE Adam home LIKE men or JUST CONSIDER YOURSELF A WEAK< NO PRINCIPLED, NO MORALS, NO NOTHING person, those sick FUCKS are LAUGHING on the other END!!!!!

Grant the Writ. this should work #GrantTheWrit

Grant the WRIT! you are highly supported.

Congratulations @adamkokesh!
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the earth is flat and since everyone is brainwashed otherwise taking back control wont be easy

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment