Cartels raping and murdering innocent people, our government pushing harsher yet mandatory sentencing laws on hippie kids, drug addicts being treated as criminals because they can’t get help for their addiction for fear of being outed to the police, college kids watching their friend die of overdose because they are too afraid to call for help and get their lives ruined. The drug war. We are all too familiar with the scourge that was released on us when then President Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs.
Richard Nixon could not have possibly of known the full devastation of his plan when he used his federal powers to criminalize huge swaths of the American population. One of Nixon’s aides, John Ehrlichman, was quoted saying, “We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”. Nixon was literally using his power as president to quell public dissent by starting the drug war.
Even though the malign origins of the drug war is well known, this gross misconduct of our federal government has only gotten worse. The federal government uses its power even today to force states into obeying its agenda. Only recently have we seen states begin to pluck up the courage to fight back against this tyrannical force by legalizing cannabis. Senator Jeff Sessions and President Trump still have the audacity to not only publicly continue this horrible drug war, but to embolden it even further.
Time and time again the people have tried to live in freedom and not suffer from victimless crimes. Unfortunately, the voice of the people does not have as much power as it used to. Our federal government is far too entrenched in its own power to bend its ear down to the people. The way to get rid of the drug war is to legally dismantle the federal government. You heard me correctly. We have to end the heart of the corruption.
Step One
Educate yourself. If you want to be able to do what is possibly the greatest feat in this nation since claiming our independence, you need to know what you’re doing. Learn about the drug war. Read the statistics about how it is our government causing Cartels to become more brutal and causing our sons to grow up without their fathers. It is our federal government sending soldiers to Afghanistan to guard poppy fields for heroin supply. More importantly, learn how to end this corruption.
Step Two
Educate others on the drug war and how to end this corruption. Did you know that currently there is a candidate running for Presidency that will end all of the federal corruption? I don’t mean “draining the swamp” or other platitudinous remarks. I mean taking the powers of the federal government and giving it to the states. Letting each community decide their own drug policy based off of science and reason versus basic corruption. That man’s name is Adam Kokesh. He wants to be elected into presidency so that he can dismantle all of the federal offices that leach our tax money and stab us in the back.
Step Three
Actually vote. No, I mean it. Form groups and go to the voting polls in 2020 and vote for Adam Kokesh. With a pen and a ballot, you can bring this sickening corruption to its knees. It will be done and over with if we just go out and vote.
A new era of rational thought, love, and community can arise from the ashes of this drug war if we want it to. None of the steps that I have listed are difficult. It is all within your control. So the next time you feel as though this country is rotting from the inside out and there is nothing you can do about it because you aren’t free, remember it’s as easy as one, two, three!
By Michael P. Wood - Tech Coordinator
Very interesting that Trump made such a point on eradicating opiates. Doesn't he know the CIA doesn't like interference in their dealing?
Trump slurs words, he must be on something ....opiates? just a puppet show.
He probably isn't on drugs, just dementia.
He would have to read the memo first.
The CIA has moved on to Chinese fentanyl.
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We are not going to fix anything, operating within a centralized system, which only presents us with a loophole for power abuse and corruption.
We are better off adopting a decentralized way of doing things, if we really want to rid ourselves from abuse and corruption itself.
We have a lot of fields of drugs in morocco exactly in Ktama
The exact reason why it's not stopping because of some who makes profit out of it.
NEWSFLASH - That is NOT a picture of "drugs".
Sounds like you've bought into the BS, hook, line and sinker.....
I support what you're trying to accomplish, but not the way you propose we do it. Having a weak centralized government just doesn't work. Remember the Articles of Confederation? Didn't work out too well, did it? I also fail to understand how you think state governments are any less corrupt than the federal government.
The founding fathers still want a small central government. Also the Article of Confederation failed because there was no unified trade, currency and had to ask state to for money. If they had free trade, used gold and silver coin as the national currency and had something like a 20% tax on state revenue, then it could have worked better. Also congress couldn't pass laws so we have the same government system now but change it so only national issue become laws and leave stuff like moral issues to the state.
This is really lovely. I hope posts like this get to reach the right people. Buh more can actually be done than just a political onslaught
I do think that taking drugs is the wrong choice and people should not do it. However that's my opinion and opinions should not be made law. If somebody decides that they would like to smoke pot....let them, especially if there is documented proof that it helps with symptoms from various medical conditions. I believe the war on drugs seemed to be a noble thing decades ago however it has become rife with corruption.
Smoking drugs or weeds can be fine as long as no life is endangered or abused. We all know what comes after pot session mostly( rape or crime). Let's let the next generation live in peace.
It was never a noble thing - it has always been about power and control..
You are probably correct
I would love to see the dope dealers that are behind the opioid epidemic find themselves in jail like I did once for selling dime bags of pot.
Ending the war on drugs would probably be the biggest move towards more freedom in the US outside of abolishing the state.
Really? More of a move towards freedom than the abolition of slavery, women's sufferage, or the Civil Right's movement?
I believe desensitization, nulling, and legalizing drugs will decrease the current crime tied to it. Look at the autobahn in Germany a highway with no speed limit, guess what, almost no one goes over 70 or 80. Same with drugs if legalized it will just become a mehh thing, who cares whatever type mentality.
u rigth
Good article. The war on drugs needs to go. It also negatively affects all international travellers who must submit to border control. On my way back from a friend's wedding in Hawaii, TSA agent touched my balls! I could have been a drug trafficker, or a terrorist. Meanwhile USA troops are guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan, and terrorizing arab nations with their drones!
freedom & nice post......
Thanks! It's my goal to move people from apathy to active freedom!
Thanks! I hope my post will build confidence in people.
So TRUE - thanks for sharing!
A plant is not a drug, period.
great Step to stop the drug war
Easy as 1,2,3, love it!
Adam Kokesh? This guy literally used to work for Russia Today America! A Russian government-run state media outlet. For an Anarchist you sure do like literally working for a government...
The drug has failed to do anything but create a big black hole for tax dollars. It doesn't reduce use or availability of drugs, it puts police resources on non violent drug crime instead of violent crime. The legal drugs like tobacco or alcohol or prescription drugs are far worse than weed or psychedelics but I support the legalization of all drugs. If crack were made legal tomorrow I wouldnt do it, it's not the legal status that stops me from doing it. The idea everyone will do it if it's legal is contradicted by the fact very few people huff glue in spite of its availability. Legalization would end cartels and street gangs and stop the dangerous practice of cutting drugs.
#follow back
If you are running Im definitely voting...this is a nice post
No DRUGS, No War, spread the word for humanity 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤
Love it!
I'm down. #kokesh2020
All of goverment's wars on anything is about power and how to increase that power. They have not won any of these wars; they never intended to. Their aim was to create divisions amongst people thereby making their power over us easier to implement and maintain. If I was an American Mr. Kokesh I would certainly vote for you.
I definitely think there are more steps that could be taken that would also help with many other issues as well.
If the government is so worried about the drug wars, how come the CIA themselves were caught smuggling drugs multiple times?
If you are running Im definitely voting...this is a nice post
The biggest concern about the drug war world problem is about the ignorance and the passive aggressive state that we live in, not wanting to sound hypocritical but people always think that these subjects will be solved by someone sometime soon instead of educating themselves and to speak up for what they believe in as a benefict like a soft drug...
please in my judgment yes, i am new in steemit
Step 1. Smoke out
Step 2. Locc out
Step 3. Profit
the proposal is interesting
it is the government itself that is the drug cartel. and yes, i concur that the military is used in Afghanistan in guarding the poppy fields of which they use the funds for their covert operations that are being done domestically and abroad.
I enjoy and I learned from this reading. Nice point. Our Philippine president is also became known for his campaign about WAR ON DRUGS, protesters insisted that our current administration committed extra judicial killings, drug addicts were killed, drug lords and pushers were also killed. Rampant of crimes being tackled in the national media and even international media... still they could not provide a substantial proof about the killings...but the people who voted our president felt satisfied of the so called "cleansing" or other called it "overhauling process" from the drugs and also on rampant corruptions from different agencies of the government, proven corrupt government official were ousted from the position. That made 16million Filipinos happy. "The ends doesnt justify the means" might be true. But people cant afford toto see infants being raped to death, women were gang raped, some were robbed and killed, even boys, old women and gays and more crimes were committed by these people under the influence of drugs. Extrajudicial killings for me were absolutely done by the conflicting drug syndicates killing the weakest link and possible loopholes of the syndicates. Just my 2 cents.
Step 1: Never vote GOP
US Government are the biggest drug dealers in the world. Never heard of this Adam Kokesh but will be looking into him now.
Hola, saludos desde Venezuela, soy nuevo en la comunidad Steemit, ya tengo mi primera historia, mira si te gusta, por favor deja tu voto y compártelo para que tus amigos lo puedan ver
Buenas, Saludos desde Venezuela, Soy nuevo en la comunidad Steemit, Ya tengo mi primera historia para ver si le gusta, por favor deja tu voto y compártela para que los amigos / como la vean
Plz finish to drugs
I do like the idea of self ownership Thank you for posting , very enlightening.
This Is bold indeed. If only it were so easy. Well maybe not “easy” but if only it were this understandable and comprehensible. Unfortunately we live in a world of sheeple.
Trump can go fuck himself in his sandy little vagina! :-)
I loved it but still don't agree with some points otherwise i would share it on my profile @sumaanraina
This is a rough subject. On one hand we have people using drugs and on the other hand we have people being put in jail for using drugs. All I can say is that this is a tough situation that I don't have the answers to. I don't I plead the fifth.
luar biasa tulisannya @adamkokesh
Smoke D M T !♡
kalau di aceh di sebut daun ganja(bakong)
daun yang dulunya buat tukang masak,maka orang sekarang salah di gunakan,daun yang di cari oleh police @adamkokesh
Greetings from Venezuela
Sorry my english are not good but I will give my opinion.
There are two reasons to reject the criminalization of drugs. The first is ethical and has to do with defining the role of the State in society. Human beings live in society and we create the State to execute certain activities of common interest. But the State should not be involved in issues that strictly concern the individual: among these issues is the consumption preferences of each person.
If I admit that the State has a guardianship to tell me that I can not use cocaine, arguing that it is harmful to my health, then I also have to admit that the State has guardianship to tell me how much salt, refined sugar or red meat I should consume; has guardianship to prohibit cigarettes, beer or motorsports; and if we take the argument to its logical consequence, I must admit that it has guardianship to decide on the education of my son and force him to learn Chinese or Mandarin, when I as a father would prefer that he learn English or French.
There is another reason, which is practical. The fight against drugs has not only been disastrous, but also counterproductive. Today more people die in Mexico because of the violence that the fight against drugs generates, of those who would die for the consumption itself if the drug were legal. If the drugs were legal, the Colombian terrorist group FARC would not have the monopoly that gives it sustenance. If the illegalization of the drug is aimed at less people dying, then the remedy has been worse than the disease.
The fight against drugs has allowed the birth of mafias and cartels that infect society and the State, permeate all institutions and exacerbate corruption; It has encouraged the trafficking of arms that sooner or later end up in the hands of local bandits and kill innocent people who have nothing to do with trafficking or the consumption of narcotics.
If all the violence, death and corruption that the fight against drugs generates had as a reward for their effective disappearance, then those who defend the penalty would have an argument in favor, but the reality is that it is possible to find drugs in any country in the world.
@adamkokesh, how do you convey this message to people who are so plugged into the system that they resist the truth you are trying to give them? That is my issue.