Universal Autobet Strategy for both FreeBitco.in & FreeDogeco.in
I am not a fan of the Autobet strategies with FreeBitco.in or FreeDogecoin but I uncovered a strategy that is effective, at least me that works for both FreeBitco.in and FreeDogecoin.
Go To Autobet
Change Bet Odds To 3.3
No of Rolls
- 100 if you have a low balance
- Infinite If You Have over 1 million satoshi
On Lose
- Increase Bet by 51%
- Click The Boxes on The Bottom
Then Click Start
Note: This will be the last video with motivation background audio.
Join FreeBitco.in
Join FreeDogecoin
Disclaimer: I can show you the strategies that are working for me but its still gambling. You will loose at some point so don't put in anymore then your willing to loose