Oh, thats awesome! You are Canadian as well. Woohooo!
Currently, I am doing my post-doc to study neuroengineered materials to make synthetic synapses :D
Are you a scientist too?
Oh, thats awesome! You are Canadian as well. Woohooo!
Currently, I am doing my post-doc to study neuroengineered materials to make synthetic synapses :D
Are you a scientist too?
Synapses like connections in the brain?
No, I'm a retired marine engineer. My spouse has a PhD in chemical engineering.
With a name like leapingkoala, I thought you might be Australian.
Yes, synapses like connections in the brain :)
Hahaha, I am originally from Saudi Arabia, but soon will call myself Canadian I hope (Yay!). Just waiting to apply for the citizenship. It has been a long and hard journey, but I am glad I am where I am now.
As for why the leaping koala name, you can check this post
It is expired, so no worries about voting.
Maybe its time to repost it again. Let me know if you think I should do that ;)
Speaking of BRAIN, I still need to watch today's episode of Awakening from Alzheimer's. Each episode is only on for 24 hrs. But wow... that's cool to be studying the brain. I find the mind a fascinating subject.
Thanks for the link. Very interesting story! I'm so glad for you and hope you get your citizenship soon. It took my spouse 6 years. One word of advice; if I may: Try not to let the pendulum swing too far in the other direction. Balance is the key to everything and the natural tendency is to swing too far in the opposite direction until after a few big swings, the pendulum eventually finds it's mid-point resting place.
Now the little piece of your face I can see in your icon makes sense.
I'm not sure if re-posting is acceptable. Cheeta-bot will say that there is some plagiarism going on if you simply copy-paste a re-post without making major changes.
Do you mind me asking how you managed to get so much Steem allotted to you? If I had that kind of voting power I would be thrilled and dumping huge up-votes on those who respond to my posts (incentive to keep them coming back for more).
Thanks for the advice. It is really appreciated :D
Most of the steem power I have I borrowed from @minnowbooster. It helps giving people incentive and make them grow faster too.
1 STEEM = 150 SP for 1 week, I think you can have a maximum of 4 weeks each payment.
By that token, you can pay a multiple of 4 STEEMS and get more SP for 4 weeks.
2x4= 8 STEEM, gives you 300 SP for 4 weeks
3x4= 12 STEEM, gives you 450 SP for 4 weeks
...etc Meaning you send 4 STEEM to @minnowbooster with a memo saying
Payouts are not dramatic unless you have 10K steem or more, but in our case, every little helps :)
You are most welcome. I love sharing good things like knowledge.
So you rented that Steem! Will you see a return of investment on it? I suspect all these schemes that are advertised as helping minnows grow are simply a method for the service provider to grow even faster. For instance: you buy a vote and make several cents return if you are lucky, while the bot owner makes a dollar. Personally, I would like to see minnows and plankton supporting each other directly with their 100% up-votes and forget about buying votes and renting SP. Those methods do not spread the wealth but rather concentrate it in the hands of those who already have lots.
I agree with you fully.
I am not sure about the return of the SP borrowing though. Honestly, I didnt really calculate it, but I think you may be right in this too. I am not very business minded :/
Hahaha. the money issue is eternal. Always in the hands of those who know how to fool others. Funny how life is :)
Considering where I came from and what I had accumulated, I would say I have a pretty good grasp of money and how it all works. I'm not a gambler. I f I took more chances I could have been even farther ahead, but I learned that lesson too late in life. My motto was slow and steady wins the race. Now I know that there is a time to take more risks and that time is when you are still young and have nothing much to lose. The more you have, the less risks you want to take. If you don't have much, then there really isn't much you can lose, is there? Plus you have time on your side. If things don't go well, you have time to recover. As one ages, there is less time left for recovery.
Of course you never want to lose more than what you can afford to live without, but in this country, nobody has to go hungry, so one can live with very little.