Rant over hive

in #free4 months ago

Author rewards are burned.

If you want to donate, consider depositing liquid HIVE, HBD any second layer token even blurt token, instead.

Who told you the Hive Blockchain was family friendly?

No kids in the pool!
Adults only!
It's a warzone out here.
Welcome to Hive.


I always wondered who what the queen is or does that governs the hive. I think it goes deeper than what the oligarchy try to implement. They are forcing a philosophy that benefits them onto the worker bees.

I see it over and over again like clockwork. There is this sort of cycle that comes with new users.

At first they come in and already they feel uneasy. They know that their tip jars are vulnerable to be robbed of rewards under the guise that it is for the greater good. That the rewards will be going to the "better half" of hive.

They come in and make their first introduction and get rewarded heavily thus setting the bar for the newbies low, making them think that this is going to be easy money. And they are stoked about it. Basically it's bribery to the newbies to give incentive to stay via upvotes. Of course such treatment is radically reduced quickly.

If you hadn't noticed, I have stopped myself from being included in pool rewards via burning my posts. This way I can say whatever the fuck I want and not be punished for doing so.

This platform, the steemit platform the mother of this bratty child called hive that refuses to listen to reason, started out with exactly what unklebonehead said, a philosophy.

This philosophy that here, you can say what you want, do what you want, have anonymity, not be censored, and have rewards if the voter decided to give any.

The DV philosophy was meant to be used to counter real abuse and that's it. But somewhere along the ling of a dying economy in the real world, desperation for more monies, greed, etc, has made that philosophy be lost. Instead we have stake weight to kick over people tip jars just because of my feelings or because of cognitive dissonance etc, makes them think they have justified reason to steal away someone else's rewards.

It doesn't take an incredible smart or rich person to see it play out.

What you get on your post via upvotes for the next 7 days, and idc if you agree with this, is nothing more and nothing short than a tip jar sitting at your bazaar(post). The only issue is that it isn't secure untill payout. This this gives a window for thieves to take away what you earned. And it will be exploited sooner or later. If you haven't had that luxury, give it a while more. It will come.

Because, here in hive, if you think this is a family friendly place where you can say what you want, you have another thing coming.

For the most part, if you speak your mind with facts on how the hive functions or how the top guys get their power here, if you so as question them, it's the gutters for your account. DV DV DV DV DV DV DV DV till you quit trying and you move out. Then it's good riddance. Who wants you here anyways, new users are coming in and their rewards will be syphoned off too.

There are the people who do follow along with the narrative and they get rewarded but question it and it's DV almost immediately. After 9 or so years watching from the shadows over the city of Hive, I have seen who the criminals are. They are very disingenuous, mal manipulative with their intentions and skip and avoid easy questions for why they do what they do. Others will just keep on ignoring you completely and DV your account to oblivion causing you to be shadow banned with negative rep. Just for asking questions.

It's happened to me a few times. It's happened to hundreds of others and it will continue to happen.

I now only see the veterans who started out here longer than me, still giving it their all to change, but frankly I just don't see it happening anytime soon at all.

I thought that adding more stake to my account I could somehow make a change but to be honest, I don't want to feed the beast anymore as much as I don't want to feed the other two beasts anymore. It's the same copy paste system with slightly different rules but will still only benefit those with larger stake with little effort on their part while the worker bees work their ass off to produce an article to be left in the dark if said article is controversial, especially those topics dubbed to be "conspiracy theories" and to those truth tellers and seekers as well get the short end of the stick above all.

I do more reading than I do responding to posts, this is true. I don't engage as much as what is demanded and for good reason that doesn't concern you apart from what I mentioned above.

"Maldita humanidad que no escucha consejos
Maldita humanidad con vanidad y completos
Maldito humano que piense que algo merece
Cuando lo que aporta al mundo solo es un montón de eses" -Mecal

The point of this post is to point out that there is something very wrong with current philosophy of how this system should work. And it most certainly can work for most. But that requires spine most are not willing to give because, as I see it, they don't want to end up being a part of the group that gets the short end, because if they do, they will lose those little bit of rewards they do get which helps them live a little more comfortable. And that is understandable. I don't have much to lose. It's never been about the money for me. It can all crash for all I care. What I do dislike above all the worst woke ideology and that is that censorship is ok so long as it's not me, that it's ok for those who point out the flaws get gaslit answers, and ridiculed for doing so and then down vote.

Welcome to hive. Welcome to the dark side of humanity, hidden behind the front of being censorship resistant, and pro decentralization but really it's just another centralized governance where the top are in control.

This is not what hive was supposed to be. And I am very dissatisfied, disappointed, pissed off about it, and more especially against EVERYONE watching it happen and not saying a damn thing about it, and still following like like blind sheep to the slaughter house.

To the hive cabal:

We were watching, we won't forget what you have done and we are coming. Expect us.

This fight is far from over.

Untitled design.png

The most vivid and most powerful dream your mind ever concocted to exist for you is the one your living in right now.

Donate liquid HIVE & or Liquid HBD here..

Your dreams are only just beginning when you wake up.

Don't have Hive token?

Quickly exhange and swap crypto anonymously with StealthX



as you can see burning rewards does nothing ;) you can't hide from censorship :P


Best regards and invite to blurt. What can be different with Blurt? mentality of people who create and support it. It all it's matters: mentality. Every human system can be corrupted if wrong people create it;)

If those who are now fleeing the hive because of what is happening here, switch to Blurt, they will be the first to understand why downvoting and censorship are evil and at the same time the first to create this new blockchain. This means that the platform will be supported and developed by conscious people from the beginning and it is conscious people who will become whales on it. And this is the greatest safeguard that this time it can be different. But people must understand that first.

A computer program is just a program, everything can be reprogrammed if you want ;) You just need people who want and know how to fix the mistakes of their predecessors.(and i don't mean programming skills here)



"What I do dislike above all the worst woke ideology and that is that censorship is ok so long as it's not me, that it's ok for those who point out the flaws get gaslit answers, and ridiculed for doing so and then down vote."

This was very poorly phrased and stated. I know what you mean, because I myself agree, but you said it poorly.

Here's basic rule that can help you understand. DV's are taxes. Taxes are theft. The money stolen through taxation is availed to corrupt scumbags through various mechanisms, in IRL government. On Hive, the whales just get another run at the rewards pool, and they get ~90% of the rewards.

The larger the DV, the smaller the penis of the flaggot. The more DV's the less attractive the flaggot. With these rules of thumb you can easily categorize flaggots and understand why they steal from creators. They can't live normal lives with micropenises, oozing creepy stalker vibes that women shrink from like they do from venomous serpents, so they throw their little flags and rub their little manclits, because that's all they have. Everything else in their lives besides stealing from actual creators is scorn, despite, and aversion to their stinky persons.

Hope that helps.


Lol well said! Thanks!

Now this was well stated...

I now only see the veterans who started out here longer than me, still giving it their all to change, but frankly I just don't see it happening anytime soon at all.
I thought that adding more stake to my account I could somehow make a change but to be honest, I don't want to feed the beast anymore as much as I don't want to feed the other two beasts anymore. It's the same copy paste system...

but legit... hive is broken as a cryptocurrency because of the DV and Stakes. BLURT seriously Fixed it Propper, paving the way for better Devs to come out with better FrontEnds. That's where Kencode and unklebonehead come in to Capitalize the system better.

YOU, actually purchasing hive, to capitalize your account constitutes more growth to the system than the cabal of Flaggots. Now imagine instead that you had bought BLURT, where your crypto holdings would always increase, and increase more as you use it... with no TAX Bandits.

Keep fighting the good fight here if you must. I get the cause.