faree man

in #free6 years ago
  1. The set A = { x\ x2 – 7x + 12 =0 } is
    A.{ 3 , 4 } B. { -3 , 4 } C.{ 3 , -4 } D.{ -3 , -4 } E. None of them
    2.The element(s) of A ={ (x,y)\ x+y=8 where x and y are positive integers and x≥ y} is

    1. (1,3) 2.(4,4) 3. (5,3)
      A.1 only B. 2 only C.3 only D.1 and 2 only E.2 and 3 only
      3.Given that S= {0,1,2,3,4} is the universal set and A={ x\ x3 – 9x =0 }.Then A=……..
      A.{ -3 , 0, 3 } B. { -3 , 0 } C.{ 0 , 3 } D.{ -3 , -3 } E.{0,9}
      4.The interval { x\ -2≤ x < 3 }is denoted by
      A.( -2 , 3 ) B. [ -2 , 3 ] C.[ -2 , 3 ) D.( -2 , 3 ] E. None of
      If [2/3]^(x+3) = [8/27]^2, then x is equal to…..
      A.2 B.3 C.5 D.8 E.9
  2. If 312x+1 . 3x+4= 99, then x=……….
    A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 E.1
    4.√288 + √200 + √392 =……..
    A.20√2 B.16√2 C.10√2 D.8√2 E.4√2

                     p times
  3. Simplify (a×a×a……a)/(a+a+a+⋯a)
    p terms
    A.a^(p-1)/p B.pa^(p/2) C.a^p/(p-2) D.p/2 E.1

  4. The value of {[(2)^(-1) ]^(-1) }^(-1)is