In the middle of the night a Brand New Millionaire was fooled into buying stocks in a ship during World War II. The brokers met him at his hotel-room in a hurry as they just had got an inside tip from the night-desk at the newspaper, and had to get rid of the stocks in the Steamship "Salta" before the morning papers hit the streets and the big selloff would happen at the stock exchange.

The Brand New Millionaire had no clue that he was being fooled by these two professional brokers, he believed they did him a favor and he slept well that night as the brokers left with the LONG contract in the pocket while rubbing their hands together.
Five hours later, the newspaper hit the street, and as the Brand New Millionaire read the front-page and the stock-section, it dawned on him that he had been swindled in the middle of the night, and of course freaked out about it until he lay down like a rolled together dog in the middle of the bed while crying, sobbing in silence and cursing out loud.
About noon, an extra paper hit the street with an update on the story, there had been a mistake - the Steamship "Salta" had been confused by the telegraph as the Steamship "Malta". SteemShip "Salta" had just arrived in Bergen Harbour in good shape and the stock went through the roof, making this Brand New Millionaire so rich that he could invest in his own Oil-Company and create his own Bank.
The morale of the story is - Do not believe in financial "experts" who are only after your money to fool you. And be smart and investigate each asset, because in the real market, there is no such thing as dependable luck.
I hope you enjoyed this story, oh - and they lived happily ever after :)

At the time of this post:
Registered accounts 141,799
Total Reward Fund: 80,360 STEEM (Worth: $13,630 internally; $13,811 on Poloniex)
Price: USD/STEEM: $0.1717; USD/SBD: $1.3630
Amazing story..!!
Thank you for the good and hard work :)
Very nice story!!
Indeed, even more than true!
When invest in something, get yourself informed! Research whatever you like to invest in, not only the company, or coin, but also the market segment, competitors, customer base, potential etc and form your own opinion and act to that. And never invest with all your money; Diversification is key.
absolutely. I may also add - Find out everything you can about the technology under the hood. Specially in crypto.
I kind of agree, since I do not believe best technology wins, best Marketing, know how to Sell and Good Distribution will win in my book, at least that is what history showed: VHS vs Betamax, CD vs DAT, McDonalds vs Home Made Hamburger etc
This happens in Crypto every day. Ignore the FUD!
Its funny that you use Mr. Bean(Rowan Atkinson) in your article and talk about dumb money. The irony is Rowan Atkinson has a genius level IQ although he plays a bumbling fool most of the time. Thanks for the article
Rowan Atkinson is a master of attention, a big fan of the man. (NB: He is a Billionaire because of it)
I am a fan also, that's why I appreciated the irony :)
This story is so true, hold onto your hard earned money tight people.
Wow! Steep story!
Lest buy, buy, buy becomes bye, bye, bye...
Nice advice ! :)