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RE: A Reply To Dave @ZoomTruth

in #free-speech7 years ago (edited)

"...Get some crypto and join the crypto revolution..."

What a bunch of nonsense (ANTI-TRUTH!) in one sentense (= lack of any consciousness).

Nothing will change when FED-FIAT-money will be replaced by crypto nonsens. Both ist 100 % fictional, it does not matter if money is created out of nothing by satanic Rothschild-entities or by supposedly free, cryptic currencies. The final "product" is pure FICTION, from economy decoupled fictional numbers.

The future of humanity only will be secured if we accept that money as a concept is outdated and has to be replaced by a decoupled process of production of best quality goods (clothing, new forms of transportation, individual housing etc.) and 100 % free supply with best quality food (Aquaponics, Terra preta, growing on walls etc.) and water.

Money and nonsensical values (nonsensical because the true "value" of something is a 100 % individual aspect/process and cannot be estimated in numbers) have to be replaced by essential work (creativity, social etc.) which will not be rewarded in numbers (because everything else is provided to the population for free).

If the society continues the path of fictional money (fictional numbers), fictional values, nonsensical production (abundance = real!), nosensical jobs (Prof. Dr. Hörmann from Austria has made an independent study and deducted that 95 % of all "jobs" are pure nonsense, as most of them are a consequence of our current debt-based FIAT-money system and also the satanic JurisDictatorship, which also needs a new fundament; it is not only highly corrupt but also bases on artificial complexity -> motto: "The sheeple are not allowed to understand our nonsense, let´s make it pseudo-complex als enslave them with it...") then nothing will change. The satanic degeneration of humanity will continue, espacially will fictional crypto currencies which reflect total nosense (anti-truth and anti-nature)...

A revo_lution will not change re_ality, only a TRANSFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS will (from collective Anti-Christ Consciousness / Satanism to Christ Consciousness). We had enough revo_lutions (revolve = vicious/satanic cycle!) which mostly were controlled by the satanic El_ites (French Revolution etc.; both World Wars, all wars after WW2). Only a transformation of individual consciousness will change re_ality.

Your "crypto revolution" = nonsene²... Nothing will change on the level ot absolute TRUTH...

Love, truth and harmony
Chris Pheros, Germany

P.S. I once studied business/mechanical engineering and have a decent over_standing of the intra-Matrix-economy (which in it´s core is pure BS -> free market economy is a myth; as is democracy).