The irony vein you hit in this post is so deep and thick, I cannot begin to unravel the inconsistencies and nonsense you justify your arguments with. Free lunches are what is known in leftist ideology as 'externalities'. Aside from breathable air around the earth's surface, name one thing that is in greater supply than demand, to anything like this degree. Just one.
oh yeah. stupidity
Unfortunately, that is worthless and solves no problems.
Ideas are not scarce resources, but ones that you can make something out of that resolve harsh scarcity problems in other parts of the economy are. At any given time there is only a few of these little nuggets floating around, and most of the time they live only in a very small number of minds.
If you think that money is worthlesss, why is it exactly that having too much of it causes such a big problem. Why is the global economy in such a giant pot of manky doo-doo right now. Do you know why? I don't think you do. It's because the power to make money worthless but only give it to a few, selected people lets you create this appearance that the collapse of a non-scarce resource like fiat currency is not the enormous and destabilising problem that it is, and within 2 years is gonna see all your first world comforts disappear before your very eyes.
I just want to point out, to those who think some aspects of communism and it's attempt to abolish currency as a medium of exchange cannot be pointed to as a valid example, in any way, whatsoever.
As I discuss in this article, the famous Vladimir Lenin instituted this fancy thing he called the New Economic Policy. The legacy of this policy still exists today. Most farms in Eastern Europe and Russia are tiny little concerns. A family in typical eastern europe outside of the cities tends a block around 5-10 acres in size, on average.
There is one thing that makes those stuck inside a cage more dangerous than anything else: starvation. Consequently, a scarcity of food is the most destructive low-supply scenarios you can have an an economy. Guess which parts of the world are gonna have a bigger problem with this than others? Yes, those where the farms production is more centralised on the first leg of its distribution route to the cities, where most of the buyers are. In many parts of Australia, most of the USA, and Western Europe, these distribution nexuses are very sparsely distributed.
The same cannot be said of those parts of the world where Lenin's policy was instituted. And Lenin did this because he wasn't stupid, he realised that if people have full bellies, they are less likely to jump up and down and burn down government buildings. Despite the overall poverty of the Communist Blocs, this is how they seemed to be less of a problem in general.
Anyway, just because 355 people think that your ideas are great, there is 70,000 people here, and when the ideas you put out there are proven wrong, where are you going to spend your twenty five hundred dollars? I hope you are going to buy a decent car so you can drive, before everyone else does, to the grain silos sparsely dotted around the parts of the world where in these times such impractical ideas have gained currency again, in spite of their ineffectiveness in the real world.
When the Sages say, what good is gold when there is no food to be had, I'm gonna be sitting here in this alleged backwater of the world, where I know that the food supply is still so broadly distributed that within 100km (about 2.5 days walk, from my extensive experience of doing this kind of amount of walking) I will be able to find food, stacked up and dangling off trees, and no trucks to drive it into the city. I'm pretty sure that most people in this country I live in will not be in nearly such a dire situation as you in the 'first world' are gonna be.
It's not sour grapes at all. It's already better now. I pay 1/3-1/2 of the prices you guys pay for your food already. What is even better, is that not only is food cheap here, so is bandwidth, so we will also be able to send you pictures of our still existing food markets, while you line up for rations and the silos rot or are burned down by lunatics.