Very good point !
Our own personal experiences tend to bias us towards an anecdotal explanation of reality, which is often fundamentally flawed.
Most often I describe those kind of reactions or beliefs as being self constructed conclusions from "Failed Logic". Such as the concept of "TANSTAAFL" to mean it doesn't cost anything (is Free) when in fact it cost someone, something to produce.
On a side note: I have a theory which is relevant (I believe) in this case. And that is the "illusion transition to delusion" system that creates personal "beliefs". Illusion is a false presentation of facts (externally produced), (such as propaganda) or even a "magic trick" to (young children) and they come to believe this as TRUTH, therefore becoming (Internal) "deluded" or delusional. Again, using what is called "failed logic".
I am sorry if I am not articulate enough to convey my intentions or concepts properly, as I am not a "writer" but I am at least trying to relay concepts and "ideas".
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