First visit this website and click on signup enter your email id and password with username after that conform your email.
1:-Login to your account
2:-move your mouse to "Products tab" then click on "Faucet" on next page it will take five to 10 seconds to open page for capache
3:-now fill capache
4:- it will give you free btc ater that
5:-Just move your mouse on last tab and click on "Exchange"
6:- Now come down and select "BTC" from dropdown it will refresh page
7:- Now select rights side drop down and select Cloud SHA-256 4.0 5 Year Rental and click on buy.Then it will give you ghs
for cloud mining
8: Now you done.Do this process on every day it will increase your ghs
when your ghs reached to 1 to 5 then start mining currencies
good site. followme please