It occurs to me that if the IRS is going to tax Steem proceeds, US courts are also going to end up adjudicating tort actions. @themarkymark may not wish to accelerate that process.
Can't speak for anyone but me, but I sure don't want to accelerate that process, and wouldn't in his circumstance, particularly.
There's good reasons that I don't pay for votes, and this is one of them. Sorry this happened to you. I grasp that the principle is more important than the principal, but I note you've made your case. I hope you hereafter are able to rationally practice sound fiduciary judgment regarding this transaction and involved accounts.
It's not always my first thought when shit like this happens to me, but I usually get there. My experience indicates that the sooner I get there, the better off I am.
Weren't you one of the Stewards of Gondor at one time?
I'd have expected better from you than spam, even if you weren't.
Can anyone really trust someone who believes the Earth is flat and hosts aliens inside it that use elevators to access their secret lair?

Does anyone need any more evidence than this photo that proves @fulltimegeek is a whack job?
Hmmm.. You know, I think I've heard that someplace before.
Sounds like spam, spam, spam, etc., to me.
I tend to make rational arguments and base my decisions on those others make. Neither spam nor ad hominems are of much use in making reasonable decisions.
Oh pull your head out of that moron's ass you retarded fuck.
Find a tall building. Jump off it.
My comment to which you reply was made in reply to your own, on another account (I believe). I reckon you know my head is not up your ass, and I discussed no other matter than the spam you're posting.
My comments are my own, and I speak plainly. There's no point in putting words in my mouth, it's full of enough of my own already.
I think that spamming like this is going to be harmful to your account, so I recommend against it. That has nothing to do with why you're doing it, or any other account, and is no comment on any other act at all. I just anticipate that action will be taken to curb spam that needlessly expends node resources.
You've demonstrated nominal capacity for rational discussion. Even if somebody else doesn't agree with it, no one would be able to honestly call that spam, nor fault you for sticking to your guns for as long as you wanted to.
Spam like this is seen differently, will be handled differently. You're forcing the issue. I probably should thank you for that, because you're acting as a point man to draw the fire that will come.
So, thanks for being willing to take the consequences for this kind of spam, so that the blockchain will be immune to it in the future.
Can anyone really trust someone who believes the Earth is flat and hosts aliens inside it that use elevators to access their secret lair?

Does anyone need any more evidence than this photo that proves @fulltimegeek is a whack job?