You were right Frank Bacon - The Hive Guardian Scene (6/10) | Movieclips | Priest(2011)

Whatever exists was named long ago, and what happens to a man is foreknown; but he cannot contend with one stronger than he. ... That which hath been is named ...

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Hi, Frank!
I hope you are well. Don't want to bother you, just figured that it's always nice to get affirmation from somebody else that your insights or predictions are correct. One time when we talked, you compared me to St. Hildegard von Bingen, the medieval mystic and polymath, which was very flattering but somewhat inexplicable at the time. Not so inexplicable anymore! After 20 years of atheism and starting to question the supernatural world & ESP phenomenon, I started feeling promptings to explore the Catholicism I grew up with - not expecting to ever believe but being open and hoping - and over the last few months I have had an intensely radical conversion from atheist to super traditional pre-Vatican II Latin Rite Catholicism, involving an ongoing series of intense mystical experiences, some of which are quite freaky and hard to refute. I didn't really understand what's been happening, how to categorize and explain it, but I just recently stumbled on the answers and found that I'm firmly within the Catholic mystic tradition and following the traditional path and practices without realizing it.

Just had to tell you, since you sensed something about me that reminded you of Hildegard, and lo. Turns out I've got a lot in common with her. I'm the absolute last person whoever expected to find myself here (coming from a long history of militant atheism), but it makes me really happy. Finding God and very direct experiences of the Divine has totally changed my life.

What is the main message of @frankbacon?

Image result for ecclesiastes
In essence, THIS author tells us that everything we do is 'vanity': empty, futile, and short-lived. It doesn't matter if you're wise or a fool, ultimately, because everyone ends up dying.


In essence, THIS author tells us that everything we do is 'vanity': empty, futile, and short-lived. It doesn't matter if you're wise or a fool, ultimately, because everyone ends up dying.

All humans eventually die physically. However, the Bible says that those who believe in Jesus will have resurrection and eternal life.Dear @frankbacon!

However, as a Presbyterian, I do not believe in the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory. do you believe in purgatory?

this post was derived from Ecclesiastes...

I find "belief" in general to be a form of mental illness.
hive regards

I find "belief" in general to be a form of mental illness.

Yeah, I agree with you!
The Americas were discovered by an Italian mentally ill named Cristoforo Colombo, who set out to find India.
He believed until his death that America was the continent of India.

What do you think of the fact that America was first discovered by the mentally ill?

What do you think of the fact that America was first discovered by the mentally ill?

Incorrect... America has always been here, long before Colombo, or the Vikings.
I have ancestors who were walking this land, MY land, for Centuries before anyone else came along... mentally ill or not.

FUCK Columbus

Incorrect... America has always been here, long before Colombo, or the Vikings.
I have ancestors who were walking this land, MY land, for Centuries before anyone else came along... mentally ill or not.

Yeah, I agree with you!
From the perspective of Native Americans, I guess, Christopher Columbus would be seen as a demon.
By the way, It is also clear that the New World became a Christian world when Columbus discovered America!

The ancient nation of Israel was born because Moses slaughtered the Canaanite natives after the Exodus.

PS: Long time no see you! Dear @logiczombie! I wonder why My comrade @logiczombie is not active in hive.

I wonder why My comrade @logiczombie is not active in hive.

I think he uses BLURT more...
hive is run by 5 criminals with a large amount of pre-mined upvote power making this entire ecosystem a ponzi scam for their amusement. There is also a large group of Dickheads who like to trample free speech.
BLURT has no downvote and at least the community there has some hope.

Kind Regards 🥓

hive is run by 5 criminals with a large amount of pre-mined upvote power making this entire ecosystem a ponzi scam for their amusement. There is also a large group of Dickheads who like to trample free speech.
BLURT has no downvote and at least the community there has some hope.

Dear @frankbacon, Your arguments are shocking! 😨