
Pretty sure they went that route because I started trolling them live about steemit. Stating that Jason should just post his work to steemit and stop the e begging routine. That immediately got me called a shill by the mods and they started their little steemit rant.

I saw this yesterday, and wondered why Jason was knocking steemit. I really think he's the shill @titusfrost, he's a snarky little guy! lol

I blame you too @titusfrost lol!
But check it out @csthetruth... These guys are Cray Cray!

@titusfrost haha nice work again! You've really been separating yourself from the pack with #OpSafeWinter and calling out the hoaxers. Awesome stuff lately, I look forward to seeing where the War Path takes you next!

@titusfrost, good work. When I first saw Quinn on lift the veil I thought he was someone I should be following but the more I hear from this guy I can't help but to think he is putting on an act.

Oh wow, these guys are always just attacking anything people are using better then them. I guess they couldn't make any money on steemit so they decided to attack it. I bet they would make some money if they posted. People like content but I'm not going to promote his stuff. He;'s been leaving me alone I think, I haven't been paying attention.

He's actually on steem as @csthetruth, but this is the guy who refused btc donations until it was over $10k, so he's not really all that bright when it comes to tech.

The fact that he's on video touting the lack of centralized censorship on a platform as the biggest weakness does more to assassinate his character than any amount of lies that could exist on the blockchain.

Good to see you here Mister 🙂

He is asking who pooped in my pants ahahha

** People are not stupid **It depends what are you talking about in your videos, if you are so worried of what ppl think, maybe you have something to hide. Not being able to remove it is exactly the beauty of it. True strong minds do not need censure to know what and who they are. I don’t believe Gandhi was worried about what they described him as when he got arrested, he new he was right!

I agree, the blockchain offers the opportunity to have a proper, evidence-based debate on issues - free from censorship.

I am a newbie in the steemit universe and unfortunately, a really cool steemian @choosefreedom made me notice that there is a kind of censorship, the down flag. I believe that it can be abused by trolls and government paid fake users to undermine the Truth.

Highly rEesteemed for TRUTH. Watch out for the morning DEW.

They are so irrelevant and in their own bubble, does anyone care what they are saying?

Unfortunately, yes. The only reason I call them out is because they have an undeniably substantial following.

Just drop in on one of their live streams and you will see how vociferous their fans are.

It's a growing audience too. Jason just passed 42,000 YouTube subscribers.

They both have an interesting operation.

nut job

Cstt is like nascar. Everyone watches his show because they want to see the wrecks. He just outed himself who wants to get rid of alternative sources. Except his, of course.

Whatever Goodman has to say should be taken together with a healthy dose of fluor and aspartame. But seriously, think about it. Who is behind ALL internet security? Palantir? Stuxnet? Would it not be reasonable to assume that the same lovely people are also on steemit? At least on some level? The recent selling of steem at the same time as the organized effort of big banks to take down bitcoin happened...coincidence?

This reminds me of this great movie;

Who can be trusted?


wall i have no idea why he is or i say they are doing this i mean why not steemit




#tyler #sendbitcoin

ha ha! Someone call the AI Police!!! PLEASE!!11!1!

Thanks @frankbacon for sharing this.
Much love from a new follower of @hoaxwars