Emergence of Cicada 3301E & Q

in #frankbacon4 years ago



The secret societies, NSA, and CICADA 3301 all love this type of data when we post articles about things opening peoples eyes to the world more and the vulnerabilities there is . From all the major corporations, who are just beginning to expand global surveillance into every facet of our lives. These corporations know this is a problem. We don't know how much more data can be collected by the NSA but they it certainly makes a lot with all the metadata and cookies and more pictures of people's hairdos, nudity and harassment.

There is a secret Black Budget Pentagon surveillance program apparently in cooperation Echelon made by Cicada 3301 called CAKES, which was created by several talented civilians. Cakes was a tool whistle blowers and others living in fear could use to distribute information on the internet without being traced and the plug was pulled just a few months before NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden’s disclosures in 2013. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest Government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistle blower encryption method so the non-corrupted Government officials can report corruption and still remain safe.

A Pentagon insider "ANON" from July 2016 seems much like FBI Anon and Qanon the following years. Way back in June 2016, before Vault 7 happened in 2017, Cicada 3301 posted a strange prophecy on the deep web. “Those who would destroy our lives with lies will themselves be destroyed with truth”. It certainly seems like someone knew something big was about to happen and maybe they had access to all the stuff Wikileaks dumps before anyone else we may never know.

July 27, 2016
ANON: “The next wiki leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the white hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called Pi Mobi to expose the false flags being committed in US and Europe. Watch UK and NYC, Berlin and Paris in coming days. Things about to get really crazy by 2nd week of August.”
The platform (CAKES) is near completion. ANON also stressed that many FBI agents plan to leak more details of the Clinton Foundation investigation to Wikileaks and some already have.

The NSA, Sun Microsystems, Apple and Microsoft isn't just tools and occult symbols for nerds. Its more than government, more than banks even More than all the Satoshi Nakamoto's. Cicada is fundamentally about evolution of man and about taking us to the next step. Evolution of man is going to the next biological step which is overcoming humanity Digging deeper inside to find infinity. Knowing no limitations, weaknesses, and suffering. The revolution occurs on every level which is physical, subconscious, emotional, mental, social, technical, and so on to find their way to the enlightenment offered are those who will change the world of tomorrow, but the world of today right now.

Your being used by Intel and law enforcement to report their corrupt superiors. FBI is working with WikiLeaks, as is the NYPD, they are all working together to free our nation from this stranglehold of sin, deception and oppression. You need to show support the FBI and whistle blowers, who are heroes.

Brood b.0h was the "Group" which had Marcus and Tekk who worked on CAKES after 2012, the other supposed conspiracy is that Swartz was one of the good guys working on things but we can not confirm his connections within for now. We do rather have Edward Snowden, which is apart of another conspiracy with Vault 7 and the biggest data breach in the world's History. This is the guy who is the one who made Echelon "working" properly and claims its like a "A.I. Data-basing System" . What we do know is that most of the Cicada 3301 winners or runner ups went off to work for the government in these tech farms with different goals and agendas specifically for their skill set. "Everyone except you is Cicada" was a motto years ago, but now the Global Hive-mind Brain is another kind of ‘God’ that they want you to find and DON'T want you to find.

Nothing Artificial about Emergent behavior now is there? Emergent Intelligence is the intelligent solutions to problems that naturally emerge from the self-organization and indirect communication of these individuals. These systems provide important techniques that can be used in the development of distributed artificial intelligent systems.

Cicada 3301 is the brain global consciousness network and it is using us to create it's social network of intelligent individuals to potentially take over the world and the universe and all the multiverse and all 78 dimensions. The idea is designed to spread with brain viruses resulting in subtle shifts in the host organisms consciousness. Ultimately, these changes will result in the connection of every consciousness to every other consciousness, resulting in this global brain consciousness Social Network of brain mapping with metadata beams strait from our eyes Streaming back and forth with the whole Geo Network Our biosphere is currently communicating with the Internet of everything. This means that we are communicating with every consciousness as it does and we're already connected to the world wide brain connected to the world wide Internet of our future



Many people who write anti-surveillance software like Tor and CryptoCat have been targeted for harassment by various governments, so the group operates in secret for the protection of its members despite strict adherence to all laws. Members use various communications security techniques to protect their identities from other group members and to limit the impact of a breach there is no common communications platform or infrastructure. Different portions of the organization use different iconography and imagery, and the organization has no common name. As a result of this structure, I have no idea how large or deep the organization actually is and how many underground hacker groups consists of each sector.

Darknet lore tells us that the architect of Stuxnet (Operation Olympic Games) designed Cicada 3301 (and others) as a means of acquiring the 0-day exploits that these new cyber-weapons require. It seems to be a very loose truce between an NSA unit and fringe freelancers that is sometimes facilitated by CIA handlers. Other parties seem to be involved with the architect of Stuxnet but they are too occult to bring into focus at the time being. it's not really a test of intelligence as one might think, even if a hyper intelligent organization was trying to recruit other hyper intelligent people they would just find them directly.

The Talpiot Program is an elite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) training program for recruits who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability in the sciences and leadership potential these graduates pursue double higher education while they serve in the army and others and they use their expertise to further IDF research and development in technological leadership positions. The program was inaugurated in 1979.

The Black Cube is leading the world of corporate espionage executing a sophisticated and complex intelligence operation that eventually led to the dismissal of the arbitration proceedings. They offer litigation support services, collects business intelligence and evidence and provides strategic counseling for legal disputes. Also is able to provide intelligence to locate assets, discover indications of corruption or conflicts of interest. Meir Dagan, former Mossad chief, who served as President of Black Cube until he died.

Unit 8200 is an elite unit of the Israeli Intelligence corps that is part of the IDF's Directorate of Military Intelligence and is involved mainly in signal intelligence and surveillance, cyber warfare and code decryption. It is frequently described as the Israeli equivalent of the NSA and Peter Roberts, characterized the unit in an interview with the Financial Times as "probably the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and standing on a par with the NSA in everything except scale."

NSA and Unit 8200 have collaborated on numerous projects, most infamously on the Stuxnet virus as well as the Duqu malware . In addition, the NSA is known to work with veterans of Unit 8200 in the private sector, such as when the NSA hired two Israeli companies , to create back-doors into all the major U.S. telecommunications systems and major tech companies, including Facebook, Microsoft and Google. Both of those companies, Verint and Narus, have top executives with ties to Israeli intelligence and one of those companies, Verint formerly Comverse Infosys, has a history of aggressively spying on U.S. government facilities. Unit 8200 is also known for spying on civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories for coercion purposes which is gathering info for blackmail and also for spying on Palestinian-Americans via an intelligence-sharing agreement with the NSA.

Verint Systems is a Melville, New York-based analytics company which was founded in 2002. The company sells software and hardware products for customer engagement management, security, surveillance, and business intelligence. Their products are designed to assist clients in data analysis, specifically large data sets. Verint's products include speech analysis software which is used to analyze call center recordings and IP surveillance cameras and smart video surveillance analysis software. Verint's RELIANT software provides law enforcement agencies with the ability to monitor and analyze voice, video, and data for a vast number of targets on all types of large, complex computer networks, in order to collect evidence for CALEA wiretaps

PSY-Group reportedly pitched to the Trump Organization a plan that was to rely on thousands of bogus Facebook accounts to conduct a perception management campaign against the Democratic Party candidate, Hillary Clinton. The motto was Shape Reality. Part of their strategy was to create a false narrative that saw Russia blamed by the Western corporate media for US election meddling, when, in fact, it was Israel that was the culprit. Psy-Group offered clients an array of services including honey traps which is a term used by spy agencies for an intelligence-gathering tactic using romantic or sexual relationships to extract information.

Wikistrat uses a network of experts to analyze geopolitical problems and was contracted to conduct war-game scenarios on Islamist political movements in Yemen for the U.A.E. Carbyne is an Israeli tech-startup that promises to revolutionize how calls are handled by emergency service providers, as well as by governments, corporations and educational institutions. Carbyne is a Next-Generation 9-11 NG911 platform and the explicit goal of NG911 is for all 911 systems nationwide to become interconnected. Conspiracy is Jeffrey Epstein and Carbyne, is set to profit from the Trump administration’s proposed hi-tech solutions to mass shootings.

You are a potential contract for thousands of private security firms such as the FBI-spinoff, InfraGard, and the Israeli Mossad-spinoff, Black Cube and many others. These mercenary and organized crime groups partner with the U.S. government, FBI, DHS, CIA, police agencies and others to wage the war on terrorism against you and millions of other innocent civilians worldwide. You may also be a non-consensual human guinea pig in one or several of the innumerable DARPA Pentagon-funded weapons-testing and mind control programs and experiments now being carried out secretly and globally which involve hundreds to thousands of neuroscience-psychology-biology-computer science departments at universities and medical facilities. Cybernetics, full neurological control and communication, has been in use since the 1940s without the knowledge of the public. The objectives are behavior modification and influencing mental and bodily functions, processes, and emotions remotely through computer-satellite links.

Directed Energy (DE) weapons, mostly EMF (electromagentic frequency) and acoustic weapons, act on the psyche and the body of human beings and all living creatures. They have been called by many names: Psycho-physical weapons, weapons of information warfare, psychotronic weapons, cognitive weapons, neurological weapons, mind-invasive weapons, mind control and electronic harassment weapons, remote neural monitoring, active denial systems, weapons of electronic warfare, means of neuro-linguistic programming, means for behavior modification, means of influence technology, computerized brainwashing machines, devices to zombify people, means to induce mental and physical illness, means for hostile surveillance, people zappers, and weapons of mass destruction.

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https://uncovering-cicada.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:AdaciccicadA_CicadaadaciC/Echelon_Cyber_Weapons_Stuxnet_Mind_Control_QANON_CICADA_3301_CAKES source 😉🇺🇸♥️🐇🕳🤫🤭🎈💡





I miss San Diego : /

Hahahahaha I knew it!! I C you! Seven 🥓🐝🎫



