@michaeldecon & @frankbacon PhoneTimeHack SteemPunkRadio!! Are these the END OF DAYS?frankbacon (66)in #frankbacon • 7 years ago #steempunkradio #endofdays #quitefrankly #work
say meme what i say!
Rubbing the lamp...
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template <class branch, class branches, class extends = searchert<branch> > class breadth_first_searcht: public brancht<branch, branches, extends> { public: breadth_first_searcht() {} breadth_first_searcht(branch* v) { this->search(v); } virtual void search(branch* v) { if (v) { do { if (this->found(v)) { break; } for (auto b: v->branches()) { this->queue_branch(b); } } while ((v = this->pop_branch())); } } };