Hi, thanks for your reply. :) Well, the Global Cryptobot is a High Yield Investment Program (HYIP), build via the app Telegram, which is like Whatsapp. These "bots" are build to automize stuff like replys and payments for us. It states, that the bot is programed to trade with our BTC and generate profit. And we get 4% of our invested money everyday. But as an Investor rule, you never count your eggs, when they havent hatched yet. So as long as they have payout problems and we cant get our BTC out, then this is too risky and people have to be informed about this. And as for riskmamangement: Yes, diversification is one key. Another key is to set an amount of how much money you put in an Invest. 1% of your wealth is a rule of thumb. Because you never know, when you will lose once in a while. Check out my other posts via google under the tag francoiskublunglobalcryp. Looking forward to see more of you.
Yours sincerly
Francois Kublun.