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RE: Good governance system does not mean good outcomes

in #fractally3 years ago

I completely agree.

The goal of mechanism design is not to engineer any particular outcomes, it is to design credibly neutral incentive systems that are maximally self-justified.

Any governance process... can only be as good as a community of individuals that runs it.

And in fact, "goodness" itself is only identifiable by a community. Even if you think your community is good and produces good outcomes, there will always be other groups of people who disagree with the goals of your community and therefore think your outcomes are "bad."

the question of what chain to choose is still very much open.

Absolutely. The new chain likely represents a Schelling Point for those interested in our new consensus mechanism, which will contribute to network effects, but I'm very much looking forward to many permutations of the new chain being launched that represent the wills of the diverse communities that use them.