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RE: Fractally's Better Blockchain Resource Billing System

in #fractally3 years ago

Resource models are a challenge on every blockchain. I hope that this new perspective gives the EOS, KOINOS, Hive, and Ethereum communities some ideas on how to improve their model and produce a lower overhead, easier to use, and cheaper resource experience for their communities. The new blockchain by fractally will incorporate most of these ideas along with some other enhancements to be revealed in the coming weeks.

@dan no one reads or interacts with your posts here anymore.

I found that odd at first but then I think..

  • you created steem.. then walked away.
  • you moved to EOS... then walked away (or got kicked out)
  • you championed VOICE ... and severed the vocal cords...

Wtf is the point of your genius guy?

Actually follow through with something or go clean the dust of your spiderman costume.


Soon youll get to login to hive with eos

Also dont act like this is a gang or cult

It doesn't matter tho, if we wanna see the adoption happening we'll build bridges between different communities. That's the only way