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RE: Fractally's Groundbreaking New Database Outperforms LMBDX / EOS / Hive / Chainbase / RocksDB

in #fractally3 years ago

I'm certainly far from a database expert but on first read this sounds like it is solving similar problems (or at least ends at the same place) as HAF, the Hive Application Framework, which @blocktrades and the core teams have been working on.

I'll be interested in hearing @blocktrades take on this. As usual, I always look a new, open source code like this with an optimistic hope that if it does something useful it can be folded in and used!

And it's good to see @dan back on Hive though it would be nice if you'd grace us with a profile image finally!


yup i thought the same.

Already solved :P

The cheese has multiple layers.