
Ma mère avait la vocation d'avoir beaucoup d'enfants. Elle savait ce que c’était d'avoir beaucoup d'enfants, car elle avait aidé sa mère à élever ses nombreux petits frères.

Ma grand-mère, l'autre, avait 10 enfants, elle m'a dit que les enfants étaient une grande bénédiction, mais si elle ne savait pas comment les traiter, ils se tourneraient vers une malédiction

It gets better after the first 4 or 5 as you begin to have kids that are starting to be old enough to help. The first ones are quite difficult though. I think that when you feel that when you have parents with the desire to have that many children they tend to grow up to be responsible adults as they have to learn cooperation and a good work ethic for the family to survive together as a unit. (not to say that other families with fewer children don't produce good adults, just that it's a survival necessity for large families)