Happy 4th!! But Are You FREE REALLY?

in #fourth7 years ago

❓People are celebrating freedom but not FREE from welfare or the system . 👀 IJS

❓People celebrating freedom but not FREE from the government 🇱🇷 TAXING them bi weekly/weekly. 👀 IJS


❓People celebrating freedom but not FREE from a J.O.B that enslaves them DAILY. 👀 IJS

❓People celebrating freedom but not FREE from credit and debt , see here's the THING..

They can't for a lifetime pay it down. 👀 IJS

People are in SHACKLES DAILY 🙈 but won't take the ⌚️ time to OVERCOME them...

Hear me out FB family... 👂🏼

I mean come on people I SEE 👀 everyone posting about JAY Z who just laid out the blueprint in his newest album YET people are enslaved/shackled DAILY to their OWN thoughts, their own poor decisions, their own judgement, their own self worth.

BREAK FREE mentally and STAY independent for LIFE, I OVER STAND what Independence Day actually MEANS so no debate needed there. 🇱🇷

But do YOU mentally over stand how to become FREE for LIFE and celebrate THAT daily or will you wake up tomorrow and answer to your BOSS? Answer to the system?

Or wake up tomorrow and take out a LOAN?
Or wake up tomorrow and apply for welfare?
Or wake up tomorrow and apply for fin aid?
Or wake up tomorrow and have a fight with your significant other?

ALL of these things will FIGHT US mentally for our very own self worth, Independence & ability to fight for what we BELIEVE IN.

I'm not saying there's anything WRONG with aid because I've BEEN there...

But TODAY my friends, let's celebrate
The FACT and LIFE that we are very blessed to experience IN and OUT of this country.

The traveling, the ability to speak up on social media, the ability to SAY what we like and not worry about ANYBODY STOPPING US!!

Maybe for YOU independence has NOTHING to do with money or working a J.O.B, but if not then WHY are so many Americans depressed, stressed and under blessed?

Because they haven't YET learned to mentally overcome anything and everything that comes their way. Have the ability to move mountains once you can access this, I have experienced this 1st hand.

The ability to overcome obstacles on OUR OWN without any real help, the ability to STOP and ASSIST others from experiencing what WE once had to.

To ME that is TRUE independence !

So TODAY and EVERYDAY I celebrate the FACT that I've mentally been able to overcome many obstacles and that my kids/family/following can KNOW TRUE INDEPENDENCE or AUTONOMY can be achieved through ridding of the MENTAL shackles put on by society 🙌🏽🙏🏽👊🏽

I get that it did not initially come without a fight, so SALUTE to THAT but it's 2017 & a much bigger fight is amongst us in my opinion!


PS: Go ahead and like, comment and share this if you're going to STEAL IT at least TAG ME 😂 just kidding I am not enslaving you to give me ed ge rank. Just copy that thing and POST IT!


Hapoy 4th bro. Great message. Enjoy your day! Up voted 100%. Peace.

Very interesting. I would vote for Libertarian Party. In US there is no freedom.

Thank you @vysmek I agree brother!

Nice post. The US have even more ridiculous laws and regulations than socialistic Norway where I live.

Is Norway too bad? I hate socialistic countries, but I heard that people are really rich there. Thank you for answer.

Norway has a tax burden on it's citizens between 70% and up to 90% in some cases. That's when you include sugar tax, VAT, alcohol tax, electricity tax, gazolin tax, road fees (that don't go to the funding of more roads), and so on.

Despite this, we are a relatively wealthy nation. There is numerous reasons for this, but oil, good work ethics culture heritage and a history of relatively free economy might be the most important. Even if the taxes are high, Norway is regarded as having a free economy relative to other nations in the world.

The welfare system has really grown out of porpotions, and if we look at the capital, Oslo, as an example, we can see that we are now under 50% of the inhabbitants acctually working. And of the working people, there is a lot of government employees, not counting as work in my eyes (relative to value creation).

It certainly looks like Rome before it fell.

There has never been nor will there ever come a time of a person having absolute freedom. The only freedom we have is temporary and it is the freedom from within our minds.