unjustified flag. bully tactic. I dont need to look at your steem holdings,lol.
Yes you are a little bit poverty stricken... with meanspiritedness.
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unjustified flag. bully tactic. I dont need to look at your steem holdings,lol.
Yes you are a little bit poverty stricken... with meanspiritedness.
Learn to not be entitled to your pending payouts.
I decided to downvote because you are constantly self voting your own comments in a thread that isn't really adding much insight to anything.
Your pending payout is a pending payout. It takes 7 days for the network forces of upvotes/downvotes to take place.
Basically, you wasted you VP to self vote your comment and I wasted my VP to remove the rewards. These are fair uses of the network.
Notice my post about changing flags to downvotes to "make downvotes great again"
You are barking up the wrong tree trying to belittle my decision by calling me a meanspirited bully. If that is what I am, then you are a sensitive, entitled person.
Lol! I barely know what pending payouts even are, nor do I care where to find them. You are waaay too attached to your power on this platform, and as a "witness" you should probably be a little more professional. All of your comments do have little condescending remarks and or insults, have you noticed?
This started with me saying haejin is making his followers millions (true statement), and you followed up with this insult to his followers:
Why comment at all? Just because you have surprised yourself with how much you yourself have made in the past few months, does it now mean that no one can match your investment "prowess", and you have to insult them? You really have no way of knowing who has what, and you were in fact incorrect in your assumption.
Elliott Waves works, but it takes experience- Haejin is sharing this experience for free, but there will always be negativity from unappreciating folks who dont like it.
Literally the only reason you are on Steem is because of haejin right? That means you are overly attached to your stance and likely won't budge. You don't even know what pending payouts are but you have the knowledge to accuse me of something as if you do know what you are talking about.
If you knew more about this system you are using you might understand my viewpoint
Until then just keep calling people bullies for flagging your self voted comments that have no useful info