Here are 10 Provinces that Have the Biggest Singles Singles in Indonesia

in #forsingle7 years ago

You single? Maybe because you chose the wrong place to live.

Try moving to the province with the largest number of singles in Indonesia, maybe the dating is quickly achieved.

Speaking of singles, HAI has some facts about single chicks.

In Indonesia, a single girl can be contested by 2 to 3 guys jomblolho!

Then, about 23 percent of single girls whose education level is equivalent to diploma / bachelor degree.Kamu jomblo? Mungkin karena kamu salah memilih tempat tinggal.

Coba pindah ke provinsi dengan jumlah cewek jomblo terbesar di Indonesia, mungkin sang jodoh cepat diraih.

Ngomong-ngomong soal jomblo, HAI punya beberapa fakta soal cewek jomblo.

Di Indonesia, 1 orang cewek jomblo bisa diperebutkan oleh 2 hingga 3 cowok jomblolho!

Lalu, sekitar 23 persen cewek jomblo yang tingkat pendidikannya setara diploma/sarjana.

Lalu, di mana aja 10 provinsi dengan jumlah cewek jomblo terbesar di Indonesia?

  1. Sumatera Barat: 3,3 persen

  2. Banten: 3,6 persen

  3. Aceh: 3,8 persen

  4. Sulawesi Selatan: 5,1 persen

  5. Nusa Tenggara Timur: 4,2 persen

  6. DKI Jakarta: 5,3 persen

  7. Jawa Timur: 7,5 persen

  8. Jawa Barat: 8,2 persen

  9. Jawa Tengah: 8,6 persen

Dan provinsi dengan jumlah cewek jombloterbesar di Indonesia adalah Sumatera Utara dengan prosentase sebesar 9,6 persen. (*)

Berita ini sebelumnya telah dimuat di HAI dengan judul 10 Provinsi Dengan Jumlah Cewek Jomblo Terbesar di Indonesia

Then, where aja 10 provinces with the largest number of girls in Indonesia?

  1. West Sumatra: 3.3 percent

  2. Banten: 3.6 percent

  3. Aceh: 3.8 percent

  4. South Sulawesi: 5.1 percent

East Nusa Tenggara: 4.2 percent

  1. DKI Jakarta: 5.3 percent

  2. East Java: 7.5 percent

  3. West Java: 8.2 percent

  4. Central Java: 8.6 percent

And the province with the largest number of girls in Indonesia is North Sumatra with a percentage of 9.6 percent. (*)

This news was previously published in HAI with the title of 10 Provinces With The Number Of Biggest Singles Girls in Indonesia