In this article, I will demonstrate some basic formatting features that can be used in your steemit posts. This will help add variety, as well as a more aesthetically pleasing viewing format for your readers.
I will cover:
The Basics
For all the formatting that you do, the process will be very similar.You will need to use the "<" and ">" symbols at the beginning of the text that you want to be effected as to ensure the program knows that it is formatting and not just text. We will call these 'arrow' symbols for communication.
Inside these symbols you enter the 'tag' that changes the text.
At the end of the section of text you want to be edited, you need to type the exact same tag with "<" and ">" either side of it, however this time with a backward slash ( / ) after "<".
For example;
If I wanted to make a certain word in a sentence bold, I would have to enter
(without the quotation marks)
Text Formatting
Text formatting is useful to layout your text and make it easier to read and understand at a short glance. This will help to gain the readers attention to your post in the first few seconds, promoting them to take an interest in it and upvote your post if they find the content useful and enjoyable.Headings
Headings are relatively simple, but are essential in ordering your work. All you need to do is add "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5" or "h6" within the arrow symbols to match your desired size of the heading (h1 is the highest, while h6 is the smallest).Bold
For bold, the word "strong" needs to be inserted into the arrow symbols.Italic
To make text italic, type "i" between the arrow symbols.Subscript and Superscript
For superscript, use "sup" between the arrow symbols.For subscript, use "sub" between the arrow symbols.
Text Positioning
Text positioning can be a very useful tool in formatting your blog as you may wish to change the default left positioning. I am new to steemit and don't know if or how to align the text right.
To make the text center, all you need to do is add "center" between the arrow symbols.Horizontal Lines
The use of horizontal lines on your blog can be very useful, as it assists with breaking up the text into readable chunks and can represent a new section.
A horizontal line does not format the text, and therefore you will not need to close the tag.
Just write "hr" between the arrow symbols.
(In case anyone was curious, hr stands for horizontal rule).
This will produce a line as can be seen that separates the sections in this post.
Paragraph/ Line Breaks
In case you haven't noticed, a steemit blog is not like a word document, and white space (pressing enter) put in the typing area will not show on your post. If you want to separate a paragraph by more then one line, this tag is very helpful.
To add a line break, use the tag "br".
Similar to a horizontal line, this does not need a closing tag.
Dot Points
Dot points are very useful for presenting lists on your post.
To make a dotted list, the tag "li" can be used. This will need to be closed with "/li" after each dot point.
For example, to make the at the top of this post:

These are the tags of all the features you can use to format your steemit post that I have covered: