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RE: Community Forks - Theory vs. Practice

in #fork3 years ago

Agreed. The good thing is decks can only be stacked so much, and not every entity, government or not, is out to stifle innovation via the need to control everything. Blockchain is worldwide, and innovation will always be welcome and able to seek refuge somewhere. The places that allow it will flourish, the places that don't won't. Pretty soon, everyone will have no choice but to embrace it, and those that try to stifle it will be unpopular.


It will really come down to good and bad actors as well as governments chasing them through policy crafting and regulation that will see this stuff become common place or effectively outlawwed and sent to the unregulated black market.

Those drunk on power tend to want more, totally agree with it being a huge factor in potential stifling.

Damn overbearing governments and such... I think as crypto gains more and more traction we'll only see their attempts to regulate ramp up in more restrictive means, towards those still engaging in the old system.

btw, hope you feel better soon!

Much appreciated captain <3