Spruce Tip extract to help you through the winter

in #foraging5 months ago

Back in May I set a quart of spruce tip extract to brewing in the closet. I first became familiar with spruce tips when researching ways to stop spike protein back during the plandemic. My personal experience as well as the feedback from others has been that it is amazing for fighting colds in general. I and others I shared with found this to be a must have for the winter supply.
I fill a quart jar with tips and then cover with a decent vodka. After 60 to 90 days I strain off and add good clean water till I get 20% alcohol. I then stick in a dark jar in a dark cool place. When in a pinch don’t be afraid to just make a tea anytime of year from spruce needles. A great boost when you need it. As far as dosing goes I always start small to see how my body will react.
FYI this is not medical advice just personal experience.