2018 FIFA WORLD CUP - Day 1 - International press review

in #football6 years ago



Russia coast past Saudi Arabia and leave them all smiling in Putin’s place
by Stuart James

After all the negative talk in the lead-up, and the inescapable sense of unease that this opening match could turn up a humiliating experience for the host nation, it was tempting to wonder what all the fuss was about after Russia got the tournament started with an emphatic victory that was every bit as comfortable as the scoreline suggests.
The lowest-ranked team in the tournament – Saudi Arabia will surely assume that title by the time these finals are over – registered their first win in eight matches to put a smile on the face of Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, and allay those fears that a home World Cup would be some sort of ordeal for Stanislav Cherchesov and his players. That they were playing Saudi Arabia clearly helped.
Juan Antonio Pizzi’s team looked hopelessly out of their depth and it is difficult to overstate just how poorly they performed, in particular in defence, where they were a danger to themselves almost every time Russia attacked.
Aleksandr Golovin, the gifted CSKA Moscow midfielder, set up two goals and dispatched a fine free-kick with the last kick of the game but the best performer was Denis Cheryshev, who came off the bench to score twice, with his second a wonderful arcing lob with the outside of his left boot that is sure to be shown over and over again during the coming days.
Artem Dzyuba, who had pleaded with the Russian press only 24 hours before the game to stop being so critical of the team, was also on the scoresheet moments after his introduction as a substitute, with the other goal scored by Yuri Gazinskiy only 12 minutes into a game that could not end quickly enough for Saudi Arabia.
It is a measure of how bad Saudi Arabia were that Pizzi was asked after the game whether he was worried about his future, mindful of the fact that managers tend not to hang around long in a country which has made around 40 coaching changes since 1994 and three in as many months last year.
Questions have also been asked about whether Cherchesov is the right man for Russia but this resounding win was the perfect response and drew personal praise from Putin. “The head of state called me with congratulations and asked me to share thanks with the team and to keep playing like that,” the manager revealed.
The only blemish on the evening from Russia’s point of view was a potentially serious injury to Alan Dzagoev, who pulled up abruptly with a hamstring problem midway through the first half. One of Russia’s most influential players, the midfielder was in agony and clearly upset. “He was in severe pain. His injury could be quite unpleasant and he could [be out of] the tournament,” Cherchesov said.
The contribution of Cheryshev, who replaced Dzagoev in a change that led to Golovin playing in a more advanced attacking role through the centre, suggests that Russia may have a more than able deputy within the squad, with the Villarreal winger hugely impressive on the left.
Saudi Arabia, however, were obliging opponents throughout and it was alarming just how easily Russia were able to prise them open on the counter-attack, pretty much whenever they seized possession. Remarkably Saudi had 61% of the ball, yet they generally passed with little purpose and were always vulnerable to being caught on the break.
The manner with which Gazinskiy gave Russia the lead rather set the tone. Golovin delivered an inswinging cross from the left, after Saudi had failed to clear a corner, and two Russia players were waiting to head home at the far post. Gazinskiy accepted the invitation after Tassir al-Jassim lost his footing and Russia never looked back.
Although Saudi’s defending was also awful in the lead-up to Russia’s second goal, there was still much to admire about the way Cheryshev dispatched his chance. Roman Zobnin, teed up by Golovin, sold the substitute a little short with a square pass that encouraged two defenders, Osama Hawsawi and Mohammed al-Burayk, to charge across the area and try to block Cheryshev. What followed was a lovely piece of skill as he dummied to shoot, leaving Hawasi and Burayk on their backsides before thumping a rising left-foot shot inside the near post.
By the time the unmarked Dzyuba headed back across goal for Russia’s third, the game had turned into an exercise in damage limitation for Saudi Arabia, who failed to register a single shot on target. Russia, however, were not finished and added two more goals in injury-time.
Cheryshev, running into the area and expertly flicking the ball over the head of Abdullah al-Mayouf, got the fourth and Golovin, with a curling free-kick that beat the goalkeeper at his near post, completed the scoring.
Russia now move on to St Petersburg to face Egypt next Tuesday with a spring in their step. Saudi Arabia, in contrast, have some soul-searching to do before facing Uruguay in Rostov later the same day. “They have won by a landslide – but not by doing much,” Pizzi added. “It’s our poor performance that explains the result.”


La Russie écrase une faible Arabie Saoudite
Par Veronika Dorman et Julien Gester

Après une cérémonie d'ouverture assez minimaliste, les hôtes de la compétition se sont facilement imposés (5-0). Pas de quoi en faire des favoris de «leur» Coupe du monde.
Ouf ! La Russie a réussi son entrée dans son Mondial ce jeudi soir en disposant sans difficulté ni trop d’éclat de l’Arabie Saoudite, venue déjouer vaillamment, mais avec des limites voyantes (ne serait-ce qu’à la gestuelle… étonnante, de son gardien de but), son statut de victime toute désignée des gros bras du groupe A. Pour autant, malgré la largesse du score (5-0, dont un doublé du rentrant Cheryshev, conclu d’un geste somptueux), les organisateurs n’ont rassuré en rien leurs suiveurs, faute d’avoir montré quoi que ce soit de nature à se rendre redoutables aux yeux de l’Egypte et de l’Uruguay, leurs prochains adversaires. D’autant que la Russie a perdu en première période l’un de ses rares joueurs de classe, Alan Dzagoev, sorti sur blessure et dont le Mondial n’ira sans doute pas plus loin. Les commentateurs russes jubilaient : «Nous avons l’équipe nationale la plus faible, mais elle a rencontré une équipe encore plus faible. On attendait une victoire, mais pas aussi écrasante !»
Dans les heures qui ont précédé le match, les supporteurs russes étaient ceux que l’on entendait le moins, aussi bien dans le centre de Moscou qu’aux abords du stade Loujniki, où se jouait ce match d’ouverture. Contrairement aux fans saoudiens, qui dansaient en chantant «le Russe ne passera pas, même s’il est chez lui». «Nous allons gagner, au moins ce premier match, les Saoudiens sont nuls», se voulaient quand même confiants des fans venus de Toula (centre du pays), à l’entrée du stade. «La suite est moins sûre», estimaient-ils déjà. Ils iront quand même au dernier match de groupe de l’équipe russe, à Samara, le 25 juin.
Avant le coup d’envoi, Vladimir Poutine, dont on sait le goût très limité pour le football, est venu souhaiter bonne chance aux joueurs russes, espérant que ce Mondial soit l’occasion de «promouvoir le sport, l’unité et la concorde entre les peuples». A l’instar de ses compatriotes, le président russe n’avait pas l’air très confiant ces dernières semaines. L’essentiel est de participer, disaient en substance le leader russe comme l’homme de la rue.
La cérémonie d’ouverture, plutôt minimaliste, a duré une petite demi-heure. Robbie Williams, qui aime le foot autant qu’il est aimé en Russie, y a chanté, entouré de plusieurs centaines de figurants, après qu’un grand oiseau de feu appartenant au folklore russe, «Jar-ptitsa», a dispersé ses plumes sur le terrain. Dans les contes, ces plumes de feu sont des porte-bonheur infaillibles. Ainsi, la Coupe du monde s’est-elle bien ouverte jeudi soir à Moscou par un son et lumière et une opposition évoquant un match de Coupe de Russie sur gazon verglacé, entre une cylindrée grippée et une équipe amateure. Sur le terrain du football, le Mondial devrait véritablement débuter vendredi.


Rusia brinda una goleada a Putin (5-0) e inaugura el Mundial pasando por encima de la débil Arabia Saudí
Por Ladislao J. Moñino

“¡Ra-ssi-a!, Ra-ssia, Ra-ssi-a”, retumbaba el estadio Luzhniki de Moscú antes de que Iker Casillas extrajera de un cofre la copa de oro maciza que el próximo 15 de julio en el mismo colíseum moscovita le será entregada al campeón. Vladímir Putin no le ha exigido a sus futbolistas que ganen el Mundial, pero sí que mueran en el campo para defender el renacer de la gran Rusia como superpotencia política y económica. Los cinco goles endosados a Arabia contribuyeron al enardecimiento y el entusiasmo nacional de la hinchada.
La organización rusa se distanció de los grandes y eternos fastos de otras ediciones para ofrecer una ceremonia sobria y dinámica en la que se mezclaron la voz rajada de Robbie Williams con la delicadeza tonal de la soprano Aida Garifullina. Debió ser la primera vez en la historia que los jugadores se ejercitan antes de una ceremonia inaugural y asisten al discurso del presidente de la FIFA sobre el terreno de juego.
Ya en el partido, la Arabia Saudí que dirige el argentino Juan Antonio Pizzi empezó enseñando buenas maneras en el toque. El producto de esas millonadas gastadas en centros de tecnificación que pulen la técnica, pero que aún no alcanza para dar la talla en una cita tan exigente como un Mundial. La inocencia competitiva todavía es un lastre para Arabia. Muy pronto fue triturada por la velocidad rusa. La endeble Arabia no puede tomarse como una referencia, pero esta Rusia pretende desplegar los atributos de la escuela soviética de toda la vida. Balas rojas al contragolpe y combinaciones meteóricas y colectivas que destrozaron una y otra vez a la cándida defensa de tres centrales diseñada por Pizzi.
La excelente pierna derecha de Golovin puso una rosca a la cabeza del mediocentro Gazinsky para inaugurar el registro de goles de la competición pasados los diez minutos. Ahí se hundió Arabia Saudí, que asistió moribunda al torrente de contragolpes rusos, conducidos por Golovin y Dzagoev, hasta que este se lesionó. El jugador más dotado para el desequilibrio de Rusia tuvo que dar paso a Cheryshev, que irrumpió para convertirse en la gran estrella del primer día. Sus primeras carreras provocaron que volviera a retumbar el “Ra-ssi-a, Ra-ssi-a” enfervorizado de la masa. Su primer gol, al borde del descanso fue la culminación de una de esas jugadas que tanto gustaban al viejo zorro Valeri Lobanovski. Una contra llevada de lado a lado en sus metros finales para que el volante que entra por un costado la culmine. Eso hizo Cheryshev, que antes de reventar la red tuvo un gesto fino picando la pelota por encima de la bota de su marcador para deshacerse de él.
La continuación no fue más que una muestra continuada de la debilidad defensiva de Arabia Saudí y de que Rusia corre y mucho hacia adelante. Dzubya, de cabeza, concretó otro buen centro de Golovin antes de que Cheryshev hicera el gol de la tarde con un remate con el exterior que fue a la escuadra. Por ahí también cerró la cuenta Golovin con una falta magistral lanzada por fuera de la barrera que terminó por culmina la gran tarde de Rusia.


Russia-Arabia Saudita 5-0, partenza a razzo dei padroni di casa
di Andrea Sorrentino

Dopo ogni gol, e sono stati addirittura cinque, Vladimir Putin quasi si scusava col principe saudita Mohammed bin Salman al suo fianco, allargava le braccia e scuoteva la testa, anche se un mezzo ghigno dei suoi si intravedeva, e intanto il principe si rammaricava, e allargava le braccia pure lui, anche se dopo il 5-0 è rimasto impietrito sul suo trono. Miglior partenza non poteva augurarsi, la Russia padrona di casa. Cinque pappine all’Arabia Saudita e il macigno dell’esordio non c’è più, si è dissolto, e dopo le infernali polemiche degli ultimi mesi ora si può guardare con un certo ottimismo al futuro, persino sognare il passaggio agli ottavi, che non era affatto garantito.
La partita inaugurale ha comunque rispettato in pieno le previsioni di chi si attendeva una gara dal livello bassino. Si affrontavano le due squadre più scarse del Mondiale quanto a ranking (numero 67 i sauditi, 70 i russi) e si è notato a occhio nudo. Moduli tra il prudente e il prudentissimo, 4-5-1 per entrambe, e calcio faticoso, per non dire scolastico, secondo caratteristiche. Quindi la Russia, che vorrebbe fare la partita, è troppo pesante e macchinosa per imporla, tranne nei centrocampisti Gazinsky, Zobnin e Golovin, che esibiscono buon tocco, ma in definitiva non riesce a impossessarsi del gioco, perché non sembra avere idea di come si costruisca un’azione, e trascorrerà la partita ad aspettare il momento buono per il contropiede.
L’Arabia Saudita invece ha il problema opposto, è assai leggerina ed esile in troppi suoi elementi, tiene palla di più e a tratti persino a lungo, avrà oltre il 60% dopo un’ora di gioco, ma in modo sterile, non ha nessuno in grado di superare di slancio l’uomo, non fa mai male, le manca la gamba e il muscolo. Tra i troppo pesanti e i troppo leggeri finiscono per prevalere i primi, che passano dopo appena 12’ col primo gol del Mondiale segnato da Gazinsky, sugli sviluppi di un corner, alla prima conclusione in porta: l’assist da sinistra è del possibile futuro juventino Golovin, che pennella sul secondo palo il cross, Al Jassam sviene letteralmente ai piedi di Gazinsky che di testa supera il portiere Al Muaiouf, per niente impeccabile, anzi. È il tredicesimo gol di testa che i sauditi incassano ai Mondiali, a conferma che la loro soggezione atletica è il vero problema.
L’1-0 toglie una tonnellata di pressione ai russi, che in effetti da lì in poi si sbloccano almeno di testa, mentre i sauditi hanno una mezza occasione al 21’ ma solo per un quasi autogol di Kutepov. Si fa male al 24’ Dzagoev, per un improvviso problema muscolare, e al suo posto entra Cheryshev. Rubando palla per creare le loro occasioni, i russi arrivano in porta una prima volta al 35’, ma Osama Hawsawi salva su Golovin quasi con un fallo da rigore, mentre il raddoppio arriva al 43’, ancora dopo palla recuperata e scagliata in profondità. Da Smolov a Zobnin, assist per Cheryshev che dribbla stretto in area e di sinistro scaglia sotto la traversa il 2-0.
I contenuti tecnici rimangono risibili anche nella ripresa, quando i sauditi continuano a crederci (Al Jassam non arriva per pochi centimetri al tocco dell’1-2 da pochi passi) ma nella seconda parte crollano di brutto e si consegnano all’avversario. Al 26’ arriva il 3-0 firmato da Dzyuba, appena entrato, di testa su assist ancora di Zobnin, tra i marmi della difesa avversaria. Al che Putin torna a consolare il principe saudita con ampi gesti, e in mezzo appare pure il presidente Fifa Gianni Infantino, che sembrava divertirsi un mondo. Ma non è finita, perché a ridosso del 90’ arrivano le ultime due perle: su assisti di Golovin, Cheryshev cesella un esterno sinistro volante che va a morire sotto l’incrocio dei pali per il 4-0, poi Golovin segna il quinto con magnifica punizione a giro dai 20 metri. Un trionfo inatteso nelle proporzioni che rilancia la Russia, mentre nessuno, dopo aver notato il volto di ghiaccio del principe in tribuna, vorrebbe essere, stasera, al posto dei giocatori dell’Arabia Saudita e del loro allenatore Pizzi. Tanti auguri.


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